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O'Buachalla, Donal, property advisor
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Copy letter from Donal O'Buachalla and Company Ltd. to Mr. J. J. Donnellan, concerning the request to acquire additional land at the rear of his premises

Copy letter from Donal O'Buachalla and Company Ltd., 86 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 to Mr. J. J. Donnellan, Castle Inn, Rathfarnham, Dublin concerning the request by J. J. Donnellan to acquire additional land at the rear of his premises. Note to Fr Matthew Meade SJ (4 October 1978).

Donal O'Buachalla and Co. Ltd, property advisor, 1954-

Correspondence between Donal Ó Buachalla, Fr Patrick Doyle SJ and others relating to the sale of a portion of land at Rathfarnham Castle

File containing correspondence between Donal Ó Buachalla, Fr Patrick Doyle SJ and others relating to the sale of a portion of land at Rathfarnham Castle, the gift of 5½ acres of land as a public park to Dublin Corporation and communication with the office of public works relating to purchase of land at Rathfarnham for the construction of a government department building. Also includes statement issued by the Jesuit Fathers on the sale of the land and indications of the charitable uses of the purchase money.

Correspondence relating to the Rathfarnham road widening scheme and the possible conversion of South Wing of the Castle

File containing correspondence mainly between Fr Patrick Doyle SJ, Donal Ó Buachalla, Andrew Devane and Gabriel Byrne, Engineer of Euro–Irish Securities, relating to the Rathfarnham road widening scheme, the possible conversion of South Wing of the Castle and the Junior House for light office use, and the formal offer for the purchase of land for Rathfarnham Village By-pass from Dublin Corporation.

Development of Jesuit property at Rathfarnham Castle

File relating to the development of Jesuit property at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes correspondence relating to the appeal for planning permission, the building development at Rathfarnham, the road improvement scheme, and meetings with officials from Dublin Corporation; maps and plans, valuations of the property, accounts of negotiations with developers and their proposals. Main correspondents include Frs Patrick Doyle, Cecil McGarry, and Andrew Devane, Donal Ó Buachalla and Tom Bacon.

Material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle

File containing material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes correspondence concerning the widening of the road running through the property, as envisaged by Dublin Corporation as part of its general town plan, and initial correspondence relating to the development and planning permission for the land itself. Contains letters by Donal Ó Buachalla, auctioneer, Thomas Bacon of J.G. O'Connor and Company Solicitors, E.J. Bourke, Dublin City Engineer, Frs Fergal McGrath and Patrick Doyle, Rectors, Rathfarnham Castle, and Irish Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry SJ.

Property developments at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

File of material relating to developments at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes letters by Donal O'Buachalla, Fr Matthew Meade SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham, and Irish Fr Provincial Paddy Doyle SJ; market valuations for sites A and B by Hamilton and Hamilton Estates Limited; expressions of interest in the site by various groups of developers; letters by representatives of the Rathfarnham Traders Association.