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Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844-1889, Jesuit priest and poet
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‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ

Photocopy of an article ‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ, from 'Thought', (Vol. 26, No. 103, Winter 1951 - 2) supplied by Dr Norman White (English Department, U.C.D.) on 9 February 1989, pp.551- 580.

Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic

Account book for University College, Dublin

Account book for University College, Dublin. Details expenditure on newspapers, advertisements, postage, furniture, monthly food bills, wines and whiskey, clothes, books, stationery, wages, rents, taxes, travelling expenses for the community. Includes a reference to Gerard Manley Hopkins under community travelling expenses. (2 April 1883, 3 January 1884, 24 December 1885, pp. 70 -71). Includes an alphabetical index to the accounts.

University College Dublin, 1854-

'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'

'Aeschylus – Choephoroi' by Arthur Sidgwick, M.A. (Oxford: Clarendon Press). With note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947) ‘Copiously annotated in red ink in G.M. Hopkins’s hand on pp. 4 – 6, 14 – 21, 23, 25, 26 – 29, 31 – 34, 38 – 40. Other annotations are in another hand. This book is valuable as an example of Hopkins’s textual criticism.’

Article on the illness and death of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Kenneth M. Flegel, M.D.

Photocopy of an article from 'The Lancet' (Vol. 349) entitled 'My winter world: the illness of Gerard Manley Hopkins' by Kenneth M. Flegel, M.D. which concludes that 'inflammatory bowel disease, particularly Crohn's disease of the colon, provides a better explanation of Hopkins illness, accounting for recurring diarrhoea with haemorrhoids, fever, progressive weight loss, and profound fatigue'.

'Biblia Sacra' - Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s own copy of the Vulgate

'Biblia Sacra'. Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s own copy of the Vulgate. Signed by him ‘Gerardi Manley Hopkins. Octobris XXXI, in vigil, omn. sanct. MDCCCLXVI’ (the day he was received into the Catholic Church). With 'St. Ignatius' College S.J. Dublin.' stamp. Petal of blossom flowers p115 and p546 . Copy of vulgate stops at Proverbs, Chapter 19. Index refers to 1313pp.

Bound volume entitled ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon

Bound volume entitled ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon containing: 'Lyrical Poems', Copy no. 12 of 105 printed (Oxford: H. Daniel) (1887, 62pp); 'The Story of Eudocia & Her Brothers', Copy no. 10 of 50 printed (Oxford: Henry Daniel) (1888, 35pp); 'Odes and Eclogues', Copy no. 9 of 100 copies printed (Oxford: Henry Daniel) (1884, 37pp).

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Dixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900, English poet

Bright wings, dappled things

Bright wings, dappled things: The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ with photographs by Francis Browne SJ.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Author), Francis Browne (Photographer), Jo O'Donovan (Writer of added commentary). Messenger Publications, Dublin, 2018

Copy letters (two) from John Henry Newman to Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ

Copy letters (two) from John Henry Newman to Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

The copies are in the handwriting of Fr William Delany SJ. The originals can be found in the Gerard Manley Hopkins collection J11/3 and J11/4 where a full description of both is provided.

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890, Saint, Roman Catholic Cardinal, theologian, and educationist

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books, following a recent inquiry about them from Dr James Cotter, New York. ‘I gave you the news that I had found five (probably seven) of the books used or annotated by G.M Hopkins, which you so painstakingly located in 1947. You had mentioned that you had found fifteen to twenty such books. I sent you a list of all the books which I had found in the same cupboard, and asked you to let me know whether you could establish a link between any of them and Hopkins. If my letter went astray, I shall be glad to make another copy of the list.’

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum' by William S. Walker

'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum' by William S. Walker (ed.) (London: George Bell & Sons). With note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947): ‘Clearly annotated in Hopkins’s hand on following pages: [89], 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 102, 103, 155, 157. Annotations of Juvental, pp.686ff., are not Hopkins. This book is valuable as an example of Hopkin’s minute attention to textual details.’ With University College, St. Stephen’s Green and St. Ignatius College’, S.J. Dublin stamps.

Day book of University College, Dublin

Day book of University College, Dublin - income (alms, fees, intentions...) and expenditure (coats, newspapers, stamps, tailor, servants weekly wages, gloves, eggs, altar bread...).

Includes references to Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (30 August 1884, p.1-2; 12 November 1884, p.22, 16 and 18 April 1855, 24 April 1855 - Evelyn Abbott bursar of Balliol fees preliminary taking of M.A. degree by Fr Hopkins - £2.

University College Dublin, 1854-

'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges

'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges (London: George Bell & Sons). With stamp of University College, St. Stephen’s Green and St. Ignatius’ College, S.J. Dublin.

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930, poet laureate

Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'

Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'. Two versions – English ‘St. Thecla’ (34 lines, 1p.) and Latin ‘In Theclam Virginem’ (16 lines). On top left and right corners respectively, A.M.D.G. and L.D.S written (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam and Laus Deo Sempe).

Burke Savage, Roland, 1912-1998, Jesuit priest and editor

Letter to Dr Michael Cox from Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ

Holograph letter to Dr Michael Cox from Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins, in which he comments on the thesis of a book, or pamphlet, lent to him by Dr. Cox. The book in question was 'Arts and Industries in Ireland' by S.A. [Sarah Atkinson] (Dublin: M.H. Gill & Son: 1882), which contains two essays, one of which is ‘Irish Wool and Woollens, passages from the history of the staple trade’. Its thesis was that English interests had secured the suppression of the Irish woollen trade, thus contributing to the poverty of Ireland. Hopkins does not accept this – ‘Irish writers on their own history are naturally led to dwell on what in history is most honourable to Ireland…They are also led to dwell on what in history is most dishonourable to England…the most extensive…Irish woollen industry was frieze…this was never checked by English legislation…’.

Dr Cox, a university colleague of Fr Hopkins, was a distinguished Dublin physician, lecturer in the Medical School of the Catholic University Dublin and Examiner for the Royal University of Ireland.
S.A. was Sarah Atkinson, author of a Life of Mother Mary Aikenhead, Foundress of the Irish Sisters of Charity.

The letter along with another by Fr Hopkins (See J11/7) was presented to the then Editor of 'Studies' Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ by the late Fr Arthur Cox, son of the recipient. Both letters were published in 'Studies', Spring 1970 (Vol. LIX, No. 233) pp.19 - 25, with an explanatory introduction and notes by the then Editor, Fr Peter Troddyn SJ.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844-1889, Jesuit priest and poet

Letter to Dr Michael Cox from Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ

  • IE IJA J/11/7
  • Item
  • 31 March 1887; 1965; 1970
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Typescript copy of original holograph letter of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ to Dr Michael F. Cox (31 March 1887) commenting on the thesis of the pamphlet on the Irish woollen industry by Sarah Atkinson. ‘I now return your pamphlet with thanks…I more than ever note the selfishness of the legislation of 1699 etc., but I also more clearly see that it goes but a very little way to explaining the poverty in Ireland…’ Comments on a paper by Rev. William Cunningham (a distinguished economic historian), from which he lists a number of ‘relevant facts’ and concludes ‘The above shews a picture of selfishness and shortsighted folly, but it also fails to shew the cause of Ireland’s want of commercial prosperity. So far as there is blame Irishmen must be in great part to blame for that.’

With note on top left corner by Fr Peter Troddyn SJ (Editor of 'Studies'), ‘Copy typed from original (which is mislaid at Feb 1970)’ i.e. this copy was made by Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ about 1965 when he received the two letters from Fr Arthur Cox, son of Dr. Michael F. Cox. The letter published in 'Studies' was taken from this typescript copy as the original holograph letter had, by that time, been lost. (See article in 'Studies', Spring 1970, pp.19-25 for explanatory notes and introduction to the letter.)

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844-1889, Jesuit priest and poet

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ after Fr McGrath sent him the card index of books

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ after Fr McGrath sent him the card index of books belonging to, or associated with Hopkins. Fr Bischoff indicates those ‘having definitely been Hopkins…None of the other titles on your list were associated with Hopkins.’

Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist 1975 to 1986) from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (Jesuit Community, Georgetown University, Washington), concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ, found in St Ignatius’ House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street. ‘I confess I am appalled at the idea that these books have been carelessly assimilated into the house library. In 1947, I spent hours examining every book in the Leeson Street house Library. The result was that I segregated some fifteen or twenty books that had definitely belonged to or been used by Hopkins. All of these I turned over to Father Aubrey Gwynn, then librarian. I made clear to him what the books were, their value as having been associated with Hopkins, and suggested that they be kept as a separate collection. I do not have a detailed listing of the books…I have only two definite titles that I recall…There are also several books by Richard Watson Dixon that belonged to Hopkins…You ought to also have the autograph manuscript of Hopkins’s poem ‘St. Thecla’, as well as manuscripts of one or two of his letters.’

Books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Annotated books, 1876 - 1884
IE IJA J/11/18 - 'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
IE IJA J/11/19 - 'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum'
IE IJA J/11/20 - 'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'
IE IJA J/11/21 - 'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'

Non-annotated books, 1884 - 1918
IE IJA J/11/22 - ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon
IE IJA J/11/23 - 'Poems' by Henry Patmore
IE IJA J/11/24 - 'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges
IE IJA J/11/25 - 'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges

Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Province Archivist, 1975 to 1986) from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ (Clongowes Wood College), concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla' which Fr Burke-Savage discovered ‘while cleaning out Fr [Patrick] Connolly’s room (in St Ignatius, House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street) when he was in (St.) Vincent’s having his leg set about 1948…I got leave from Engl(ish) Provincial to keep it on permanent loan.’

Burke Savage, Roland, 1912-1998, Jesuit priest and editor

Letter to Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ from Cardinal John Henry Newman in reply to birthday wishes and the state of the country

Letter to Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ from Cardinal John Henry Newman, following Fr Hopkins's letter for the Cardinal's birthday in which Fr Hopkins commented on the state of the country. The Cardinal replies, ‘Your letter is an appalling one, but not on that account untrustworthy. There is one consideration however, which you omit. The Irish Patriots hold that they never have yielded themselves to the sway of England and therefore never have been under her laws, and never have been rebels. This does not diminish the force of your picture, but it suggests that there is no help, or remedy. If I were an Irishman, I should be (in heart) a rebel. Moreover, to clinch the difficulty the Irish character and taste is very different from the English.’

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890, Saint, Roman Catholic Cardinal, theologian, and educationist

Letter to Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ from Cardinal John Henry Newman thanking him for his ‘kind remembrance’

Letter to Fr Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ from Cardinal John Henry Newman thanking him for his ‘kind remembrance’ of the Cardinal's birthday and stating ‘I grieve to find you corroborate from your own experience what other friends tell me about the State of Ireland. What are we coming to!’ Also original envelope for the letter, addressed to ‘The Revd. G. Hopkins, S.J., 85.86 Stephen’s Green, Dublin’ dated 27 Feb. 1885, Birmingham. With Holyhead Kingstown Packet franking on back, dated Feb. 28.

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890, Saint, Roman Catholic Cardinal, theologian, and educationist

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Bishop Gillooly concerning Brown’s support for the candidature of Fr Hopkins

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Laurence Gillooly, C.M., Bishop of Elphin (a member of the Senate of the Royal University), concerning Fr Brown’s support for the candidature of Fr Hopkins to the Fellowship of Classics. States ‘His Eminence, Card(inal) McCabe, informed me on Wednesday last of the selection of Fellows made on that day by the Senate of the R(oyal) University; and on Friday I learned from him that he had on the previous day resigned his place in the Senate in consequence of the rejection of his proposal relative to the Fellowships. I had hoped…that the communication made to you by Dr Woodlock of the resolution unanimously adopted…by the Episcopal University Committee in reference to the Fellowships would prevent the unfortunate conflict in the Senate; and it was with deep regret I learned that you had, in opposition to the Coetus Episcoporum, represented by the Episcopal Committee, kept on your two Candidate (sic); and thereby rendered the conflict inevitable –…I take the liberty of writing to you now, to tell you how much I deplore the step you have taken and the conflict in which it engages you and to express a hope that you will for the sake of your great undertaking in Stephen’s Green…remedy the mistake you have made by withdrawing the Revd. Fr Hopkins, as you are of course still perfectly free to do. For many years past I have publicly & privately used my best efforts to secure to your Society an eminent position in your University System. If the result is to be, from the very outset, a conflict…I must say I will heartily repent of what I have done and persuaded others to do in this matter.’ (For background to the appointment see T. J. Morrissey’s article ‘Hopkins’s Friends and Colleagues’, J11/46 and article by Norman White in 'The Hopkins Quarterly' entitled 'An Irish Row').

Gillooly, Laurence, 1819-1895, Vincentian priest and Roman Catholic Bishop of Elphin

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Bishop Gillooly on the question of the Fellowships

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Laurence Gillooly, C.M., Bishop of Elphin (a member of the Senate of the Royal University) – ‘I write now to let you know, that at our Committee Meeting when the question of the Fellowships came to be considered, the opinion expressed by his Em(inence) was in perfect accord with the resolution of the Committee. That was on Tuesday at 2 o’c(lock). There was no intimation that he had previously entertained, not to say, communicated to you, a different opinion…Dr. Woodlock…was requested at the close of our Meeting, about 5 o’c(lock) to give you official information of our views respecting the Fellowships…and I had no doubt, neither had any other member of Committee, but he had done so…the selection of the Candidates for the two Fellowships in question was generally supposed to have been deferred by the Senate to his Eminence – and for that as well as other reasons he expected his choice would be approved and so did the other members of the Ep(iscopa)l Committee.’ Includes original envelope addressed to Fr Brown. (See J11/46; pp.197 – 199)

Gillooly, Laurence, 1819-1895, Vincentian priest and Roman Catholic Bishop of Elphin

Loyola House, Dromore, County Down

In 1883, the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) purchased from Edward and James Quinn, Dromore house and estate in County Down. It had been the former palace of the Church of Ireland bishop of Dromore. The Jesuits renamed it Loyola House, and ran it as a novitiate house (house of first formation for Jesuits). The decision to move to Dromore from Milltown Park, Dublin was twofold. Firstly, Jesuits from University College at Temple Street had moved to Milltown Park, meaning that the building occupied by the novices was required. As a result, Milltown Park was overcrowded and deemed unsuitable as a novitiate. Secondly, Monsignor William McCartan, parish priest of Dromore made an offer of Dromore house and estate to the Jesuits. McCartan had been entrusted in the will of the late Miss Anna Magennis to oversee the establishment of a religious order in Dromore and he encouraged the Jesuits to establish a house in Dromore. In 1887, Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (1844-1889) wrote two sonnets while staying there. The novitiate house operated for four years and closed in 1888 when the Jesuits novices moved to St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, King’s County. The Jesuits retained possession of the property until January 1918, when it was sold.

The papers of Loyola House, Dromore, Down concern its purchase (1883-1889), legal and rental matters (1883 -1917), finances (1885-1917) and accounts (1883-1887), maintenance (1890-1918) and sale (1896-1918). Includes some historical notes on Dromore. Material is in the form of letters, deeds, plans and maps.

Irish Vice-Province of the Society of Jesus, 1830-

Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on Fr Joseph Darlington SJ for Hopkins material

Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ: “In the File ‘Darlington’ there is what appears to be an unpublished MS entitled 'The Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins in Ireland and Policy of Father Delany, S.J. – President of University College, Stephen’s Green, 1884 – 1908'. It contains very little about Hopkins, though this is of some interest.”

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Note made by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on the ‘Dublin Books of Gerard Manley Hopkins’

Typescript note made by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on the ‘Dublin Books of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ – ‘Books used by Hopkins during his years at University College, Dublin…These books were identified by Fr. Anthony Bischoff, S.J., who examined every book in the library, May 13- June 9, 1947.’

Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic

Note on ‘St. Thecla’ made by Fr Peter Troddyn SJ

Note on ‘St. Thecla’ made by Fr Peter Troddyn SJ (Editor of 'Studies') – ‘English version first published in 'Studies '(XLV, 1956, p.187). Both Latin & English pub(lishe)d in 4th edn of Poems O(xford) U(niversity) P(ress).’

Hopkins, Gerard Manley Rev. St. Thecla, an Unpublished Poem, Beg. That His Fast-flowing Hours With Sandy Silt. 1956.

Troddyn, Peter M, 1916-1982, Jesuit priest

Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins’

Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Province Archivist from 1975 to 1986) on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins.’ ‘This manuscript is written on the inner pages of a double foolscap sheet, the Latin poem on the left hand, the English on the right hand page…Both poems are in G.M. Hopkins’s handwriting, but not [signed] or dated.’ (Notes form the body of a letter sent to Dr Peter Beal (Index of English [Literary Manuscripts Series], University of Leeds) in September 1975). Includes notes on the appearance of the manuscript and lists the corrections made on the manuscript. Both poems appear in 'The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins', 4th edition, 1967.

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Notes by Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ on the Roman historian Tacitus

Holograph notes by Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ on the Roman historian Tacitus, entitled ‘Tacitus’ style’, whose ‘qualities’ can be ‘summed up in three things’ – ‘terseness…variety or studied irregularity…poetical colouring,’ giving an example of each. Notes made for classes in University College.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844-1889, Jesuit priest and poet

Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books

Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books. Includes:
– memorandum recording an inquiry into ‘the annotated books of Hopkins’ from a Dr. James Cotter, New York, in summer 1976, ‘I wrote to him (Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ) June 21st 1977…I received no acknowledgement. He was on a visit to…Inishannon, Co. Cork’ (n.d., 1p.);
– ‘1st Memorandum re Hopkins’ Books. Sept. 8th…1976’ noting how Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ spent a summer examining all the books in the library in 1947; how Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, on becoming Province Archivist in 1975 ‘received a few enquiries about these books. Nobody in the community knew anything about them’, how he wrote to Fr Bischoff about the matter. ‘In August 1976, I found ten of these books in the lower shelf of the press immediately outside my room. I have identified them and list is herewith. There was a typed note…(by)… Fr Gwynn in the press (See J11/17) stating that the books belonged to or were used by Hopkins. I made a card index of all the books…I have marked H those certainly connected with Hopkins.’ (8 September 1976, 1p.);
– ‘2nd Memo’: ‘At present certainly identified with Hopkins 5, probably 2’ and lists them (8 September 1976, 1p.)

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature'

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature' (Vol. 68, No. 4) of an article by Dr Norman White (English Department, U.C.D.) entitled ‘G.M Hopkins’s Contribution to the English Dialect Dictionary’ pp.325 – 335. With dedication to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist from 1975 to 1986) from the author.

White, Norman, English Department, University College Dublin

Photocopy of novice journal which mentions Fr Hopkins at Loyola House, Dromore, County Down

  • IE IJA J/11/60
  • Item
  • 15 & 26 September 1887
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Photocopy of pages from the Novice Journal (Beadle) at Tullabeg (IE IJA FM/TULL/55, early part of journal; deals with Loyola House, Dromore, County Down), which references the arrival at Dromore of Fr Hopkins ‘from Dublin to make his Retreat’ (15 September) and ‘Rev[eren]d Fr Rector came to evening recreation accompanied by Fr Hopkins whom he introduced to the Novices (26 September).

'Poems' by Henry Patmore

'Poems' by Henry Patmore (Coventry Patmore’s son) (Oxford: Henry Daniel). With note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947) ‘Although this contains no Hopkins autograph, it undoubtedly was his copy, sent to him by Patmore. C.f. The Further Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins.’ Includes compliments slip ‘Hastings: Easter, 1884 With Coventry Patmore’s compliments.’ With stamp of University College, St. Stephen’s Green and St. Ignatius’ College, S.J. Dublin.

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Patmore, Henry, 1860-1883, poet

'Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins'

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate (ed.) (London: Oxford University Press). With stamp of St. Ignatius’ 35 Lower Leeson Street.

Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930, poet laureate

'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges

'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges (London: George Bell & Sons). With stamp of University College, St. Stephen’s Green and St. Ignatius’ College, S.J. Dublin.

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930, poet laureate

Review of 'The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges' and 'The Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon'

Photocopy from the 'Irish Independent' of a review of two books by Claude C. Abbott (ed.): 'The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges' and 'The Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon' (London: Oxford University Press).

Irish Independent, newspaper, 1905-

'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'

'The Acharnians of Aristophanes' translated into English Verse by Robert Yelverton Tyrrell (Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co., Dublin University Press Series). With author’s dedication inside front cover ‘Gerard Hopkins from R Y Tyrell.’ With stamp of St. Ignatius’ College S.J. Dublin.

Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton, 1844-1914, Irish classical scholar

'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'

'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.' by W.H. Simcox M.A. (ed.) (London: Rivingtons). With typed note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947): ‘Marginal notes in Hopkins’s hand on pp. [1], 6 – 7, 19, 41, 49, 59, 88, 94, 96, 118, 125, 133, 135, 140, 161, [220]. These are significant mainly as examples of his textual conjectures.’ With a University College, St. Stephen’s Green stamp on first page.

Typescript and handwritten copies of entries relating to Fr Hopkins in University College account books

Typescript and handwritten copies of entries relating to Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ in University College account books made by Fr Peter Troddyn SJ:
– ‘Day Book I 1884 – 5, Aug. 28th ’84 to April 25 ’85’ (Summer 1968, 2 items, 1p. each);
– ‘Account Book 1885 – 91’ (1p.) and
– ‘Large Account Book 1883 – 91’ (1p.).
(See University College collection for original account books)