- Item
- 21 February 1950
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Mounted group photograph of the visit of his Eminence Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney to St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Mounted group photograph of the visit of his Eminence Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney to St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
A file relating to the Triduum held in honour of the coming to St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin of the reliquary containing the right arm of St Francis Xavier. Includes numerous black and white photographs depicting Cardinal Gilroy and a number of Jesuit Fathers (all named), well known personalities attending the veneration and the crowds that came to see the relic. Includes newspaper cuttings reporting on the Triduum.