Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin (mostly holograph letters from the Archbishop and copies of Fr. Provincial’s replies) on various matters. Includes letters concerning:
- the purchase of additional land from Mr Bewley adjoining Milltown Park, on which to build a secondary school (See also 1940s correspondence with Archbishop McQuaid);
- the question of the payment of workers for work on parochial and ecclesiastical buildings on Holy Days of Obligation;
- the Statement issued on behalf of the Hierarchy with regard to ‘the raising of military forces and the waging of war’ (persuading ‘young men not to join the new I.R.A. and kindred groups, or if they have joined, to disassociate themselves from such groups’);
- the proposed acquisition of new buildings on Eglinton Road (now the Province Curia, No. 87 Eglinton Road) for the Society to ‘relieve a certain congestion we are experiencing at present in our Dublin Houses’;
- the appointment of Jesuits to various ecclesiastical offices;
- the Commission considering the question of Licensing Laws;
- Jesuit Missions to the Irish in Britain (see also ADMN/3/62);
- the Technical Schools – ‘It is not in any sense an exaggeration to say that the assistance of the Society has made possible the establishment of a firm system of Religious Instruction, for the first time, in the Vocational and Technical Schools’ (letter of Archbishop McQuaid to Fr Provincial, 8 June 1959, 1p.) (see also ADMN/3/61);
- the formation of a committee to select candidates for beatification among the Irish martyrs (see also ADMN/3/24; 43; 48 and 49);
- the publication of spiritual books in Irish by the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to Gardiner Street Church (see also ADMN/3/59 and 65);
- the appointment of Jesuit lecturers in University College Dublin;
- the proposal to establish a federation of the Sodalities of Our Lady in the Dublin Diocese.
Also includes covering letter and copy of the minutes of the General Meeting of the Irish Actors’ Equity Association held on 27 April 1958.