- File
- 22 September - 17 November 1945
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of press clippings from the 'Irish Press' and 'Irish Times' concerning the safe return of Irish Jesuits from Hong Kong following the Japanese surrender.
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Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of press clippings from the 'Irish Press' and 'Irish Times' concerning the safe return of Irish Jesuits from Hong Kong following the Japanese surrender.
Picture from the Daily Mail newspaper depicting a view overlooking Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Copy of picture from the Daily Mail newspaper depicting a view overlooking Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong.
Obituaries of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Obituaries of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ taken from an Irish newspaper, a Hong Kong Jesuit publication and online obituary, taken from the Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives, accessed 14 August 2009. https://archives.catholic.org.hk/
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ. Includes photographs, announcement of death, obituaries, personal record; review of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’ (1943-4), proofs and illustrations of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’ by Fr Ryan; correspondence between Fr Coyne, St. Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland and the publishers of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’; censorship judgements, book requests and receipts for the book; article entitled ‘The Church in China’ (1950); and correspondence between Fr Ryan and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.
Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ. Includes photographs, photographic plate, announcement of death and correspondence between Fr Casey and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.
Mission office material on Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ. Includes personal record; passport photographs; photographs; article entitled ‘What I saw of the Red Terror in China’ (1954); newspaper clippings on the arrest, ‘trial’ and release of Fr Kennedy in Canton (1953); certificate of post-war credit and financial statements from the Midland Bank Limited and correspondence between Fr Kennedy and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ. Includes passport photograph, photographs, personal record, announcement of death (December 1970), list of executors of will, newspapers articles on court case involving Fr Sheridan relating to a publication entitled ‘Outlook’ and correspondence between Fr Sheridan and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.
Mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ. Includes announcement of death and newspaper articles; obituaries; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Reid and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ. Includes photograph, announcement of his death and obituaries, letter from Rosie Birmingham, 16 Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin to Fr O'Brien, upon Fr Birmingham's death and letters from Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street Dublin to Fr Birmingham.
Material relating to the deaths of Frs Michael Saul SJ and Joseph McCullough SJ
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to the deaths of Frs Michael Saul SJ and Joseph McCullough SJ from cholera.
Material relating to Fr Richard Gallagher SJ from mission office
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Richard Gallagher SJ, including photographs, passport, announcement of death, personal recor,; obituaries, and letters from Fr Gallagher to Fr Thomas J Martin, Mission Office, Dublin and Fr Eddie Bourke SJ 19 Kickham Street, Carrick-on-Suir, county Tipperary.
Material relating to Fr Patrick J Cunningham SJ taken from the Mission Office
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Patrick J Cunningham SJ taken from the Mission Office, 28 Upper Sherrard St (12 July 2011). Includes
announcement and details of his death, following an air accident over Vietnam; articles on the air accident from newspapers, including an image of Fr Cunningham; official documentation recording his death; personal record; travel details and correspondence between Fr Cunningham and Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of letters from Christopher Hollis, Burns, Oates and Washbourne Ltd., 28 Ashley Place, London to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Thomas Ryan's book. Refers to a proposal to publish the book in Australia. Includes reviews of the book.
Burns, Oates and Washbourne, Roman Catholic publishers
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Copy of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll.
MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest
Lecture in support of the Irish Jesuit mission to China
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Newspaper cutting reporting on a lecture delivered by FrRobert Nash SJ in support of the Irish Jesuit mission to China.
Nash, Robert, 1902-1989, Jesuit priest and writer
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to Irish Jesuits working and living in China and Hong Kong during the rise in communism after the Second World War. Includes newspaper cuttings and descriptions by the Irish Jesuits of their experiences.
MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest
File relating to Fr Thomas F Ryan SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File relating to Fr Thomas F Ryan SJ, including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, and photographs.
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ, including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, photocopies of newspaper cuttings, and photographs.
File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ taken from the Mission Office
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ, taken from the Mission Office, 28 Upper Sherrard St (12 July 2011). Includes newspaper
obituaries; probate of will; announcement of death; and correspondence between Fr Carroll and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Milltown Park and Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Death notice, newspaper articles, correspondence and obituary for Fr Derek Reid SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Death notice, newspaper articles, correspondence and online obituary taken from the Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan. https://archives.catholic.org.hk/In%20Memoriam/Clergy-Brother/D-Reid.htm
Cutting from 'The Universe' of an article entitled 'Jesuit's Charm Opened up the Prison Gates'
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Cutting from 'The Universe' of an article entitled 'Jesuit's Charm Opened up the Prison Gates' (the priest in question was Fr Edward Bourke SJ.