Hong Kong

184 Collection results for Hong Kong

98 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China

A file relating to an article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China. Includes the MS of the article (92pp) and censor's reports on the article - relates to Fr Kennesy's voyage to Hong Kong,and travelogue about Rotterdam, Germany, Colombo and Manila.

Kennedy, Gerald Leo, 1889-1949, Jesuit priest and medical doctor

Correspondence between Fr Eddie Bourke SJ and Bishop Valtorta concerning the issuing of an order that the Irish Jesuit Fathers are to wear a soutane in public

A file of correspondence between Fr Eddie Bourke SJ, Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Bishop Valtorta concerning the issuing of an order that the Irish Jesuit Fathers are to wear a soutane in public. Fr Bourke's letters urge the Bishop to reconsider. Outlines his reasons for this request (1946). Question already arose in 1935.

Bourke, Edward, 1895-1985, Jesuit priest

Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions

A file relating to correspondence of bequests made to Irish Fr Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions.

  • Perpetual burse in memory of Fr WM. Doyle SJ in the new seminary in Hong Kong (1936);
  • Perpetual burse in memory of Fr Walsh SJ in Hong Kong (1936);
  • Memorial burse in memory of Fr Fegan SJ in China (1936);
  • List of burse money for the education of Chinese Jesuits (13 September 1940);
  • Statement of accounts for quarter the Ricci Mission Unit (1 July - 30 September 1943).

File of material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ, taken from the Mission Office, 28 Upper Sherrard Street, Dublin

  • IE IJA J/64/2
  • File
  • 18 Decemeber 1946 - 4 May 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ, taken from the Mission Office, 28 Upper Sherrard Street, Dublin (12 July 2011). Includes passport, and photographs; announcement of his death; obituaries and correspondence between Fr Bourke and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ taken from the Mission Office

  • IE IJA J/87/2
  • File
  • 8 February 1947 - 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ, taken from the Mission Office, 28 Upper Sherrard St (12 July 2011). Includes newspaper
obituaries; probate of will; announcement of death; and correspondence between Fr Carroll and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Milltown Park and Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

File of mission material on Fr Peter Dunne SJ

  • IE IJA J/131/2
  • File
  • 3 November 1950 - 12 March 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Peter Dunne SJ including passport photographs, personal record, and correspondence in the main from Fr Dunne to Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. (Nickname - Pinky Dunne, due to pink cheeks).

File relating to Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ

  • IE IJA J/436/1
  • File
  • 21 June 1928-4 June 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ concerning his work in Africa, his health, application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, photograph and obituary.

File relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ

  • IE IJA J/419/1
  • File
  • 7 July 1930-7 March 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries and memorial card.

File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ

File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ, including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, photocopies of newspaper cuttings, and photographs.

File relating to the publication 'The Rock'

  • File
  • 4 February 1934 - 26 November 1939; 22 April 1946
  • Part of Irish Jesuit Missions

A file relating to the publication 'The Rock'. Includes financial details of the publication and letters relating to the political nature of some of the articles.

Fr Gerald Leo Kennedy SJ

Catalogue entries for Fr Gerald L Kennedy SJ (1930; 1934); and a letter by Fr Harold E Craig SJ, St Joseph's, Leigh, Lancashire to the Irish Fr Provincial on hearing of Fr Kennedy's death (10 February 1949, 4pp). Includes a CD of photographs, sent by the Fr Michael Head SJ, Province Archivist, Australian Jesuit Province to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ, Province Archivist, Irish Jesuit Province containing a small collection of photos of the Irish mission at Hong Kong taken by Fr Gerald L Kennedy SJ (26 April 2007).

Kennedy, Gerald Leo, 1889-1949, Jesuit priest and medical doctor

Fr Thomas V Fleming SJ

  • IE IJA J/498
  • File
  • 2 November 1930 - 5 March 1988
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Correspondence between Thomas Fleming and his Irish Fr Provincials during his professional life in China and in Australia.

Fleming, Thomas V, 1897-1988, Jesuit priest

Fr Wilfred Chan Yu-hai SJ

Copies of educational certificates for Fr Wilfred Chan Yu-hai SJ, postcards and correspondence between Wilfred and Irish Fr Provincials, admission to the Society

Chan Yu-hai, Wilfred, 1942-2017, Jesuit priest

Hong Kong Mission

Many Jesuit Provinces had missions in China before 1926 when the Vicar Apostolic of Hong Kong, Fr Henry Valtorta (1883-1953), invited the Irish Jesuits to his vicariate. In October 1926, Frs George Byrne (1879-1962) and John Neary (1889-1983) left Dublin for Hong Kong, which became a Mission for the Irish Province. They were joined, in early 1927, by Fr Daniel Finn (1886-1936) from Australia and later by Frs Richard Gallagher (1887-1960), Patrick Joy (1892-1970) and Daniel MacDonald (1891-1957).

The initial work of the mission concentrated in Hong Kong, with some teaching in Canton and Macao. Their works involved: reviving the Catholic journal, ‘The Rock’; the opening of a hostel (Ricci Hall) for Chinese Catholic students at the University of Hong Kong (1929-); their involvement in the Regional Seminary, Aberdeen, Hong Kong (1931-1964), Wah Yan College, Hong Kong (1932-) and Wah Yan College, Kowloon (1952-). Some lecturing occurred in the university, in areas such as archaeology, education, engineering, and geography. In Canton, Frs Michael Saul (1884-1932) and Joseph McCullough (1892-1932) died from cholera. Hong Kong was under Japanese occupation 1941 - 1945. The Irish Jesuits organised a school for refugees from Hong Kong in Macao and the Regional Seminary was also moved to Macao. Wah Yan College was closed in 1941 and reopened in 1945. Fr Thomas Ryan’s account “Jesuits under Fire in the siege of Hong Kong 1941” deals fully with this time.

After World War Two, the Irish Jesuits established a language school, student centre and parish in Canton. They were expelled by the Communists in [1953]. Wah Yan College grew and developed and further works included the foundation of a university hostel at Kingsmead Hall, Singapore and at Xavier Hall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Other works of note that Irish Jesuits had a hand in establishing and running in Hong Kong include: the Hong Kong Housing Society (1938); Wah Yan Relief Association (1938); Shoeshine Boys Club (1952-1962); the Credit Union Movement (1962); Rehabilitation Centre for the Handicapped (1962); Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (1963); Road Safety Association for Schools (1964); Industrial Relations Institute (1968); Chinese Opera in English (1960s); Fisherman’s Children School (1960s) and Welfare for Police in the Training School. In 1966, Hong Kong became a Jesuit Vice-Province and in 1985, the Province of Macau-Hong Kong was established. Today, Hong Kong is a unit within the Chinese Jesuit Province.

Over a hundred Irish Jesuits have served in Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and Singapore - 30 of whom are buried in St. Michael’s Cemetery in Hong Kong and two in mainland China.

Irish Jesuit Mission to Hong Kong, 1926-1966

Invitation to the Jesuit Mission to take over the administration of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong

A file relating to an invitation to the Jesuit Mission to take over the administration of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong. The College was started by a Chinese Catholic as a secondary day-school. Includes letters from the mission consultors to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the proposal.

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, 1919-

Irish mission office material on Fr Thomas FitzGerald SJ

  • IE IJA J/149/2
  • File
  • 28 September 1954 - 1967 (-1970)
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of Irish mission office material relating to Fr Thomas FitzGerald SJ. Includes passport photographs; announcement of death; personal record; correspondence between Miss Eva Fitzgerald, Patient, Waterford County and City Infirmary, Waterford (sister of Fr Thomas) and Fr Provincial regarding her application for assistance from the Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association; and correspondence between Fr Fitzgerald and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.

Letter from Fr Eddie Bourke SJ, Xavier Retreat House, 27 Cheung Chau, Hong Kong to Fr Joe [ ] SJ concerning news from Hong Kong

Letter from Fr Eddie Bourke SJ, Xavier Retreat House, 27 Cheung Chau, Hong Kong to Fr Joe [ ] SJ concerning news from Hong Kong. Remarks that Fr Joy has been unwell. Refers to MacGreedy who wishes to join the Irish Province but will need to obtain a release from the RAF.

Bourke, Edward, 1895-1985, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ (English Assistant), Rome to Fr Patrick Joy SJ concerning the Hong Kong mission

Copy of a letter from Fr John Hannon SJ (English Assistant), Rome to Fr Patrick Joy SJ (Superior of the mission) concerning the Hong Kong mission. Encloses a copy of a letter from Fr General to Fr Hannon raising a number of points about the work of the Hong Kong mission.

Hannon, John J, 1884-1947, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Patrick Joy SJ, Wah Yan College, Hong Kong to Bishop Valtorta concerning approval for a Jesuit church in Hong Kong

Copy of a letter from Fr Patrick Joy SJ (Superior of the mission), Wah Yan College, Hong Kong to Bishop Valtorta, Vicar Apostolic of Hong Kong concerning the Bishop's approval for the Jesuits to have their own church in Hong Kong. Discusses possible sites. Includes a copy of the Bishop's reply.

Joy, Patrick, 1892-1970, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Michael O'Grady SJ to Fr General concerning whether the Irish Jesuit Mission of Hong Kong should be constituted a dependent Vice-Province or not

Copy of a draft of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Michael A O'Grady SJ to Fr General J. B. Janssens SJ concerning the question whether the Irish Jesuit Mission of Hong Kong (including Singapore and Malaya) should be constituted a dependent Vice-Province or retain its status as a mission under the jurisdiction of the Irish Provincial. Outlines the opinions of the consultors of the Irish Province the Superior and consultors of the Hong Kong mission and the Provincial of the Irish Province.

O'Grady, Michael A, 1911-1969, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ to Father Superior, Hong Kong

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ to Father Superior, Hong Kong concerning; building plans ‘I have already written to Father General asking for leave to accept the site offered by the Government for the new college in Kowloon’; plans for Fr McCarthy to be sent to the U.S.A.; proposed sending of Frs Mallin and Merritt to Hong Kong and the Missionary magazine.

Byrne, Thomas, 1904-1978, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr General outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong

Copy of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Michael A. O'Grady SJ, 85 Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin to Fr General J B Janssens SJ, 5 Borgo Santo Spirito, Rome outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate for candidates of the Society of Jesus in the far East should be transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong.

O'Grady, Michael A, 1911-1969, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Rector [St Mary's, Emo] concerning books needed by the Australian Province for five scholastics from Hong Kong

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rector [St Mary's, Emo] concerning books needed by the Australian Province for five scholastics from Hong Kong. Refers also to a Scholastic who wishes now to be a Brother. Asks if the individual must do the Noviceship again. Includes a page with pencil notations.

Kieran, Laurence J, 1881-1945, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll

Copy of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll.

MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest

Letter from the Internuncio Apostolic in China concerning the possibility of establishing a Catholic University in Canton under the direction of the Jesuit Fathers

Copy of a letter from the Internuncio Apostolic in China concerning the possibility of establishing a Catholic University in Canton under the direction of the Jesuit Fathers. Expresses his pleasure at the enlargement of the Jesuit Language School in Hong Kong.

Letter from the Vicar Apostolate of Hong Kong, Enrico Valtorta to [ ], Rome concerning the Chinese mission

Copy of a letter from the Vicar Apostolate of Hong Kong, Enrico Valtorta to [ ] (not a Jesuit but somebody in Rome) concerning the Chinese mission. Remarks that the Irish Jesuits would be advised to take on a hostel or a college or both and revive the publication 'Rock'. Remarks that men are available to go to China. Suggests that some Irish Jesuits should be sent to study Chinese in the Benedictine University in Peking prior to teaching in the Jesuit college in Hong Kong.

Valtorta, Enrico Pascal, 1883-1951, Apostolic Vicar and Roman Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Matthew J. Byrne, Kerry relating some incidents which occurred during the era of the Penal Laws

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Matthew J. Byrne, Kerry (brother of Frs. George and William Byrne SJ), relating some incidents which occurred during the era of the Penal Laws. Includes information on a ‘penal law Altar preserved in a house at Causeway with vestments and altar furniture, all ready for Mass…in a concealed hollow in wall of bedroom of house once occupied by a Fr Neilan.’

Letters from Christopher Hollis, Burns, Oates and Washbourne to Irish Fr Provincial concerning Fr Thomas Ryan's book

A file of letters from Christopher Hollis, Burns, Oates and Washbourne Ltd., 28 Ashley Place, London to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Thomas Ryan's book. Refers to a proposal to publish the book in Australia. Includes reviews of the book.

Burns, Oates and Washbourne, Roman Catholic publishers

Letters from Fr Daniel J Finn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to China, the early years of the Chinese mission and his work in the mission

A file of letters from Fr Daniel J Finn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to China, the early years of the Chinese mission and his work in the mission. Includes a letter describing the difficulties he has encountered in learning Chinese (8 April 1927, 6pp). Includes a description of a visit to a mission in Shiuhing (9 May 1927, 14pp). Includes a letter discussing the staffing needs for the Hostel attached to Hong Kong University (17 May 1927, 8pp). Includes a letter describing the move to the Sacred Heart College Canton, China. Describes how they are settling in (9 September 1928, 8pp).

Finn, Daniel J, 1886-1936, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Gerald L Kennedy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his work in Hong Kong

A file of letters from Fr Gerald L Kennedy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his work in Hong Kong. Includes a letter concerning his voyage home. Remarks 'Just a line to tell you that Frs Fitzgerald, Gallagher and myself are ploughing our way through the Gulf of Aden on our way home after 3½ years of hunger and deprivation…' Discusses the other Jesuits still in Hong Kong (24 October 1945, 2pp).

Kennedy, Gerald Leo, 1889-1949, Jesuit priest and medical doctor

Letters from Fr John Fahy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ

A file of letters from Fr John Fahy SJ (Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province 19 March 1931-25 August 1939) to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ. Includes a letter referring to a visit to the Hong Kong Mission. Remarks 'Your men are doing glorious work there I had expected great things; the reality surpassed my expectations. That will become a first class mission.' (25 February 1937, 2pp). Includes a letter referring to plans for a retreat house and scholasticate at Sydney. Refers to the Archbishop of Perth and his desire for the Jesuit fathers to build a college in Perth. Remarks '...he wishes to get the Jesuits into his diocese. It does not seem to have occurred to him that the people of Perth would be expected to support any Jesuit Fathers who work there. So we exchange letters on this question of filthy lucre.' (1 April 1937, 2pp). Includes a letter expressing his thanks to Fr Kieran SJ for writing about the Australian Jesuits studying in Ireland. Remarks '...I am most grateful for your interest in them and your care of them. Other Provincials never write about our men: all we get is the bill and the exam results...' Refers to his own position as Provincial of the Vice-Province. Remarks 'Yes, our period of office is drawing to a close...I long for the day... Boys oh Boys, think of it: no more "relationes", no more triennial papers, no more elenchi, no more building, no more administratio temporalis, no more...peace perfect peace.' (21 April 1937, 2pp). Includes a letter referring to the proposed opening of a scholasticate in January 1938 (25 October 1938, 1p).

Fahy, John, 1874-1958, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr John Meagher SJ to Irish Fr Provincial (John R. MacMahon SJ and Thomas Byrne)

A file of letters from Fr John Meagher SJ (Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province 25 August 1939-1 October 1947) to Irish Fr Provincial (John R. MacMahon SJ and Thomas Byrne). Includes a letter referring to an offer by the Apostolic Delegate to take a minor seminary in New Zealand in 1947. Asks if four or five young priests could be sent out. Remarks 'We have offers of work from practically every Bishop in Australia and must refuse for want of men. Our recruiting is bad and I really don't know what to do to remedy the trouble.' (10 November 1945, 1p). Includes a letter referring to a request by Fr Dan O'Connell SJ for Fr Richard Ingram SJ to help with his work in the Riverview Observatory. (18 March 1946, 1p). Includes a number of letters concerning Fr Cooney and his ill health. Includes a letter remarking 'He (Fr Cooney) wants to return to Hong Kong in September but I think you realise his return there would probably settle his chances of ever doing any more work...I think that Fr Cooney will never be really fit to return to Hong Kong (15 May 1946, 1p). Includes a letter referring to proposals to open colleges in Adelaide and Brisbane. Remarks due to the shortage of Jesuit Fathers that this is impossible. (27 June 1946, 1p).

Meagher, John, 1895-1972, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Patrick Grogan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial written from India where many of the Irish Jesuits went to from Hong Kong during the war

A file of letters from Fr Patrick Grogan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial written from India where many of the Irish Jesuits went to from Hong Kong during the war. Describes the work he has been assigned to in India.

Grogan, Patrick, 1902-1980, Jesuit priest

Letters from Rev. John Moyersoen SJ, Calcutta to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ concerning the Irish Jesuits who took up positions in the Indian mission

A file of letters from Rev. John Moyersoen SJ, 32 Park Street, Calcutta to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ concerning the Irish Jesuits who took up positions in the Indian mission following their temporary departure from Hong Kong during the war.

Moyersoen, John B, 1900-1969, Jesuit priest

Letters from Rt. Rev. R. O. Hall, Lord Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong to Irish Fr Provincial concerning getting schools started

Letters from Rt. Rev. R. O. Hall, Lord Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong and The Home Farm, Lewknor, Oxford to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning grant in aid schools and the possibility of obtaining an advance of the grants in order to get schools started. Includes a copy of a reply from Fr MacMahon SJ.

Hall, Ronald, 1895-1975, Anglican Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong

Results 1 to 100 of 184