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42 Collection results for Germany

10 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Typewritten newsletters entitled Scoil Iris and Scoil Iris II

Typewritten newsletters produced by pupils of Coláiste Iognáid, with the title ‘Scoil Iris’ and ‘Scoil Iris II’. Includes short pieces by members of the class, including Ivor Ó Fachtna, Liam Ó Dochartaigh on memories of the past year, class activities, sports and trip to Germany. Also contains poems, jokes and music reviews. In Irish.

Ó Fachtna, Ivor

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti. Tomus primus

Contiene, segun consta en port.: Tomus primus : Controversiae heterodoxae ac scolasticae ..., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; Tomus secundus. Pars I. : Theologia speculativa brevi methodo integre comprehensa ..., con port. pag. y sign. propias. ; Tomi II. Pars II. : Theologia practica universa ... ; Tomus tertius : Apparatus practicus pro omni prorsus functione viri ecclesiastici ..., con port., pag. y sig. propias

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)

Tomus Secundus: Theologia Universa primo Speculativa postea Practica, Nova, Brevi, et facili Methodo comprehensa, Et ad Normam totius Cursus Theologici commodissime redacta, juxta Praef. sequentem. Cum recentibus Decretis, modernis Quaestionibus, multiplici Praxi, et Idea aliarum Scientiarum in omni genere Materiae.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae, Complectens Materiam et Formam expeditam, pro quavis Dictione, Concione, & tota Catechesi per exquisitam Expositionem, & selectissima Exempla: Cum Praxi solida assistendi per omnia aegris, & sanis: Ac Documentis particularibus pro quolibet hominum statu: Pro ipsius Sacerdotis Vita & Conservatione: Pro Ritibus singulorum Sacramentorum: Et pro quacunque functione Missionarii Apostolici, ac Curatoris animarum

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Signed copies of portraits of Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ

Signed copies of portraits of Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ by unidentified [c1910], Adolf Eckstein’s Verlag (Berlin-Charlottenburg) and Leo Whelan [1940].

Finlay, Thomas A, 1848-1940, Jesuit priest and economist

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England. Kevin Nolan was a brother of Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ, and had been a solicitor in London. On the eve of the First World War, he travelled to Bad Nauheim, Germany to undergo treatment for a heart condition. He was arrested as a spy, imprisoned however later released. He died in November 1918. See 'The Clongownian', 1919, p.308. Material hand in by Margaret Doyle, Archivist, Clongowes Wood College, 9 January 2017.

Photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

Photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ.

  • memoiral card for Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ;
  • Aubrey Gwynn SJ at Louvain, July 1920;
  • two photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with a bishop/archbishop outisde of cathedral at [Würzburg];
  • Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with a religious siters outside church;
  • Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with members of Civil Service Branch of [St Joseph's Young Priests Society], Joe Robinson, Michael J O'Neill and Archie Roberts [1950];

Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes:

  • photograph (8½cm x 13½cm) of Fr Michael Morrison SJ, (1945-1955);
  • group photograph (8½cm x 6cm) of Jesuits including: back, l-r, Michael O'Grady, [Frank Finegan], Michael Morrison, J. Kelly, Maurice Dowling, Conal Murphy, Sydney Lennon. Front, l-r: Perrott, John McAvoy and Michael O'Meara;
  • pouch containing various documents belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ such as: British Forces Identification Card (with photograph); Chaplains’ Identification Cards; Officer’s Ration Card; War Department Driving Permit; British Red Cross Identity Certificate; travel permit, ‘Authorisation for Travel To and From Eire by Personnel During Release Leave’; Services Clothing Coupon Sheet; details of his eyesight from Davidson & Regenstreif ‘Ophthalmic Opticians’ in Cairo and ‘Most Secret’ list of ‘Unit Vehicle Numbers’ of the First Armoured Division (194[1]-194[6], 12 items);
  • leather cover (9cm x 14½cm) for the identity card of Fr Michael Morrison SJ;
  • ‘Field Service Pocket Book. Part I – Pamphlet No. 13. Discipline, Office Work, Pay, and Burial Parties’ (June 1943, 25pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Infantry Training. Part I – The Infantry Battalion' (1943, 54pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Memorandum for Catholic Army Chaplains and Officiating Chaplains to the Forces’. With annotations by Fr Morrison (1941, 59pp);
  • signed photograph (10cm x 7cm) of five girls/woman, dated ‘Belsen 24-8-45’ [24 August 1945], [Eva Nuosnovicz], Geūia Freūkiel, with my friendship [Feuier], Best regards from Cecilia, Best wishes [ ]';
  • typescript account of the ‘Chaplains’ Work in Belsen’ by Fr Michael Morrison SJ (1947, 3pp);
  • illustrated booklet ‘The Story of Belsen’ written by Captain Andrew Pares, Adjutant of the 113 L.A.A. Regiment, R.A. (D.L.I.) T.A.. (Cover is detached) (n.d., 12pp);
  • medals belonging Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes ‘The 1939-1945 Star’; ‘The France and Germany Star’; ‘The Africa Star’; ‘The Defence Medal’ and a medal for serving from ‘1939-1945’. Includes original box in which the medals were sent to Fr Morrison in Australia in March 1950 by the War Office (6 items, 1950) and
  • file relating to the exhibition in Belvedere College of two cases of material from the Fr Michael Morrison SJ collection as part of a commemoration ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. Includes a copy of the labels used for the exhibition, a programme of events for the commemoration ceremony and copies of photographic slides taken from the Imperial War Museum of Belsen concentration camp (April 2005, 5 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ

  • IE IJA J/240/1
  • File
  • 11 July 1924 - April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ including short CVs (1942; 1965; 1974), documents regarding entry to the Society (details of baptism and medical reports), medical reports, small number of letters written from Germany by Fr Mallin (1963-66) and Spain (1973-74) and obituary from the 'Irish Province News' (April 1977).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuits seeking help relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuit Fathers and Provincials seeking help in various matters relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid. Includes letters from Jesuits from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary seeking opportunities to study in Ireland and correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial and the Department of External Affairs concerning the visit of a German scholastic to Ireland to complete his studies.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Richard Kennedy SJ immediately after the Second World War

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Richard Kennedy SJ from the 5th Replacement Camp, Manila, Philippines, Military Hospital, Moira, County Down and the College of the Rhine Army, Göttingen, following his time as a Japanese POW.

Kennedy, Richard Joseph, 1906-1986, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ written during his time serving as a chaplain in the 11th General Hospital in Peebles; Military Hospital, Drymen, Scotland; with the Shetland Defence Forces in Lerwick; in North Africa with the 58th [Heavy Anti-Aircraft] Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.N.A.F.; 3 L.C.U.; with the 167th Field Ambulance, C.M.F. and 2nd A.G.R.A., C.M.F.; with the 4th Battalion, Oxford and Bucks. in Norfolk and 2nd Army and 21st Army Group in Germany. Includes his first letter written to the Provincial from the 11th General Hospital (1 January 1942, 2pp), Fr Dowling’s memorial card (with photograph), and airgraphs from North Africa.

Dowling, Maurice J, 1896-1965, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial John MacMahon SJ from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain attached to the 2nd Battalion, The Loyal Regiment in Sussex and Northern Ireland; 32 Casualty Clearing Station in England and France; 4 Army Group Royal Artillery, B.L.A. in France and Germany; 150th Infantry Brigade in Southern India and the Indian Artillery Centre, Kamaredi. Includes description of his role in the D-Day landings on 6 June 1944 (16 November 1944, 4pp) and his last letter written on his way home (29 September 1946, 2pp).

Birmingham, Alan, 1911-1991, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ

  • IE IJA J/473/5
  • File
  • 26 April 1810 - 8 December 1869
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters written by various people to Fr Robert Haly SJ:

  • Includes a letter from Fr Murphy SJ referring to the polka. Remarks '…I do not consider it, absolutely speaking, a proximate occasion of sin, as I have the assurance of some reliable young persons of both sexes that they never found any harm in it (nd, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Drinan SJ, Sant' Andrea, Rome describing his life as a novice in the Society of Jesus. Describes his fellow novices (21 March 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Hardwicke Street, Dublin referring to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Remarks that he has returned from the Isle of Man. Continues '…(he has) done much good amongst those poor neglected Catholics. But now they are without a priest and of course will fall back again into the old way.' (28 August 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Francis Mahony (Prout) concerning his ordination to Deaconship ([ ] 1828, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr St Leger SJ. Refers to the woods at Clongowes. Remarks that new trees have been planted and hundreds of old trees have been cut down. Refers to Daniel O'Connell 'Mr O'Connell hopes to enter Parliament by a clause in the Act of Union which only requires the oath of abjuration, which was abolished…C. Butler of London has published his opinion that Mr O'Connell's admittance to Parliament cannot be refused according to law…' Includes a note from Fr Peter Kenney SJ at the end of the letter concerning the death of Fr Haly's uncle, Robert in Calcutta on 27 July 1826 (30 September, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from [ ], Clongowes Wood College concerning Christmas celebrations in Clongowes. Refers to the church services and remarks that the Parisian Cope made its first appearance and 'dazzled the natives'. Remarks that the number of scholars in the college is small and many vacancies exist. Refers to Fr Aylmer and Fr St Leger and their plans to erect a new chapel in Dublin. Refers to Fr Moran's departure for Buenos Ayres. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell's determination to go to Parliament (5 January 1829, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from George Oliver, St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter containing queries about members of the Society in Ireland for a publication he is preparing (17 July 1838, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning his stay in Rome. Describes dining with Fr General on St Stanislaus Day (23 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Sheehan SJ, Roman College concerning news from Rome and general Society matters. Reports that Fr General is pleased with all the Provinces under his direction and has expressed a wish to open a Japanese Mission (30 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Al Gesu, Rome enclosing a sketch of his design for the altar at St Francis Xavier's Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin (9 February 1842, 3pp).
  • Includes a transcription of the same letter, 9 February 1842, by Fr Francis Finegan SJ [1975].
  • Includes a letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde, SJ, San Calcedonio, Malta concerning the suspension of Fr Rillo by the Bishop. Remarks that the business has become public due to the intervention of Lord Clifford (25 July 1842, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Cunningham SJ, Rome. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell. Refers to Fr Rillo and remarks that he is no longer in Malta. Remarks '…after his justification had been fully established he removed to Palermo. Mr Esmonde is authorised to select whom he pleases to succeed the former.' (25 November 1843, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Esmonde concerning his missionary work in Malta. Remarks 'I have a curious time of it here, strange folks as if all the odd fish of the Mediterranean had climbed up on this rock.' Refers to a new church opened by the Protestants on the island. Refers to the power of the government a governor of the island who control everything (15 November 1844, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Lynch, SJ, Church of St Joseph, Willings Alley, Philadelphia, PA describing his surroundings (1 February 1840, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Gaffney concerning the Archbishop's (Dr Cullen) decision to prohibit the dancing of the polka. Discusses the implications of this decision and expresses the opinion that the Society should not pursue a different course of action to the clergy of Dublin and rural areas (20 January 1858, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bishop George Browne of Elphin concerning a retreat to be conducted by Fr Robert Haly SJ. Refers to the parishioners eagerness for a mission (19 April 1858, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from the Bishop of Clonfert, John Derry agreeing to consecrate the Society's church in Galway (11 May 186[ ]), 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ granting Fr Haly privileges with regard to his mission work (26 September 1867, 3pp).
    Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ advising Fr Haly on how to deal with confessors who declare they are members of the Fenians (8 December 1869, 4p

Letters from Fr Browne to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Germany and from Warley Barracks, Essex

  • IE IJA J/7/6
  • File
  • 28 December 1918-6 September 1919
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Francis Browne SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ, written from Germany (28 December 1918-9 February 1919, 4 items), Bishop's House, Queenstown (Cobh), Cork (27 February 1919) and from Warley Barracks, Essex (10 March 1919-6 September 1919, 8 items) including one describing his daily routine as Chaplain to the Irish Guards (6 May 1919, 6pp).

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as a chaplain with 2/5th Bn. Welch Regiment in Sussex; M.E.F. (in a Convalescent Depot, unknown location); No. 13 General Hospital, M.E.F.; 2/8 Lancashire Fusiliers in Derry; 1/4th The South Lancashire Regiment in Castlewellan, County Down; 32 (Br.) Casualty Clearing Station, B.L.A. ; 121 (Br.) General Hospital, B.L.A.; 601 Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.A.O.R. and 113 Light Anti-Aircraft, R.A., B.A.O.R.. Includes letters describing Belsen Concentration Camp (18 April, 31 May 1945, 5pp) and letters concerning an article on Belsen written by Fr Morrison (Fr Morrison was one of the first priests to enter the camp) (17 July - 16 August 1945, 3 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Laurence Kearns SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Laurence Kearns SJ written during his time as a chaplain serving with various anti-aircraft units: 117 Z.A.A. Battery, 7 (M) Z.A.A. Regiment, Royal Artillery: Stockton-on-Tees; 107 Anti-Aircraft Brigade, Surrey; 32 Light Anti-Aircraft Brigade: France; 52nd Lowland Scottish Infantry Division, 157 Infantry Brigade: Holland, Germany, Belsen and in Garrisson Catholic Church, Bordon, Hants. Includes:

  • his first letter to the Provincial from Edinburgh (18 September 1943, 2pp);
    – photographs of Fr Kearns blessing the graves of British falen 1940 and his driver, Liet. Joseph McPatlan (November, December 1944, 6 items: 8½cm x 6cm);
    – copies of extracts from Irish Province News on the chaplains (14 – 28 January 1945, 2 items, 1p. each);
    – letters describing his car accident (24 June 1945, 8pp), operations to rebuild his damaged face and his convalescence (11 July – 21 December 1945, 5 items).

Kearns, Laurence Martin, 1912-1986, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Anthony MacSeumais SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Anthony MacSeumais SJ written while serving as chaplain in the R.A.F. at R.A.F. Stations in Cosford, Wolverhampton, Staffs. and Leuchars, Fife, Scotland; with the 5023 Airfield Construction Squadron in Holland and Germany and 124 Wing in Lübeck. Includes his first letter to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Belfast (March 1944, 2pp) and letter in which he lists all the places he has served since arriving in Belgium (1 June 1945, 4pp). This letter also contains Fr MacSeumais's only reference to Belsen Concentration Camp. Also includes Fr MacSeumais’s memorial card (with photograph) (Fr MacSeumais died on 13 January 1989).

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan from T. Stratton, A.P.C., staff officer to Principal Chaplain

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ from T. Stratton, A.P.C., Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain (R.C.), requesting that Fr Browne remain with the Irish Guards as Commissioned Chaplain. Encloses copies of extracts from letters sent to Fr Browne’s uncle, Dr Browne, Bishop of Cloyne from Dr Keating, Catholic Army Bishop and from Colonel Vesey, Commanding Officer of the Irish Guards referring to Fr Browne’s value and admirable qualities as a Chaplain.

Stratton, T A,

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Bishop Theodor Kramer, Würzburg, on sending Fr Gwynn a paper on the Cult of St Killian

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Bishop Theodor Kramer, Würzburg, on sending Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ a paper on the Cult of St. Killian (3pp). Includes copy of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ review of 'New Light on St. Killian' by J. Dienemann (Würzburg, 1955) the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record', 1957 (88, pp.1–16) ).

Letter from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, to Irish Fr Provincial on the Commission to examine the establishment of a Catholic university

Letter from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, writing from Hof in Bayern, Germany, to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ. Refers to the Commission set up to examine the proposal to establish a Catholic university in Ireland. Expresses his concern over the attitude of Jesuit priests to such an institution.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letter from Dr Charles Russell, Munich, Germany to his brother Peter Russell, Wellington Place, Dundalk, County Louth

Letter from Dr Charles Russell, Munich, Germany to his brother Peter Russell, Wellington Place, Dundalk, County Louth. Describes his journey from Rome to Munich and the cities he visited along the way. Remarks that he met two gentlemen Dr Simon and Mr Aiken and that he is living in '...a beautiful house in the finest is the most beautiful city I have ever seen or imagined and I have been...installed in the literary (Catholic) circle - the first in Europe.

Holograph letters by Fr Frank Browne SJ

  • IE IJA J/7/79
  • File
  • 26 January-5 February 1919
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters by Fr Frank Browne SJ to his brother, Fr William Browne on slides and photographs that he has sent him with his new camera, his time in Germany and leave.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Fr John Coyne's translation of 'Christian Prayer in its Course through the Centuries' by Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ

  • IE IJA J/42/7
  • File
  • 20 July 1973 - 1 February 1978
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr John Coyne's translation of 'Christian Prayer in its Course through the Centuries' by Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ. Includes correspondence with the publishers and Josef Andreas Jungmann. The translation was published by Paulist Press, New York posthumously. Includes a typed manuscript of the translation.

Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ

  • IE IJA J/524
  • File
  • 17 May 1928 - 13 January 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing MacSeumais’ admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials from post-war Germany, Pakistan, England and the United States. Photograph included.

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Fr Franz Schrenk SJ

  • IE IJA J/548
  • File
  • 9 February 1939-15 August 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing material relating to Fr Frank Schrenk's transcription from the Austrian to the Irish Province and his time as a teacher at Belvedere College, Dublin.

Schrenk, Franz, 1909-1992, Jesuit priest

Fr Éamon Egan SJ

  • IE IJA J/139
  • File
  • 9 June 1941 - 30 July 1974
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of material relating to Fr Eamon Egan SJ including biographical information and correspondence relating to his death in a boating accident.

Egan, Éamon, 1923-1973, Jesuit priest

Disputatio theologica

Disputatio theologica de poenitentia: quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana iii. Nonas Decembres, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1613), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de incarnatione Filii Dei : quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana anno 1614 die 1. Iulij, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae [i.e. Dillingen], [1614], 28pp;
Disputatio theologica de sacramento baptismi, et confirmationis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1614), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1615), 38pp;
Disputatio Theologica. De Religiosorum Ecclesiae Christianae Ordinum Status Natura, Dignitate, obligationibus, effectis, commodis, proprietatibus, aliis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1619), 69pp;
Positiones theologicae de Deo uno et trino, Apud Udalricum Rem., Dilingae (1622), 32pp.

White, Stephen, 1575-1647, Jesuit priest

Copy letters from Charles Gavan Duffy to Martin MacDermott

A file of copy letters (one original letter written by an assistant/secretary and initialled by Charles Gavan Duffy) from Charles Gavan Duffy to Martin MacDermott.

  • Includes a letter agreeing that the books mentioned by MacDermott would suit the series. Remarks that stories will be needed and advises where to look for them. A note on the letter indicates that MacDermott proposed to use Duffy's name for the series. Remarks 'The name you propose for the series bangs Bannagher! There is not a living man whom it would not turn into ridicule and contempt to employ his name in such a manner; that sort of distinction is reserved for the dead (15 December 1892, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter discussing a book - 100 Best Irish Poems. Considers the amount of pages each poem will require and the poets that should be included. Remarks 'I don't know what your opinion of Mr. Yates (sic) may be: mine is that his verses are the perfection of commonplace. Miss Tynan has made a collection of Irish love poems in which she selects from Mr. Yeats the amours of a kitchen maid. He is however a very self-confident critic; and has recently disparaged Davis and MacCarthy and declared that the Spirit of the Nation contained nothing of any value except Ingram's song.' (17 September 1895, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter praising MacDermott's Ballads and Songs. Expresses his joy at reading some of the entries but remarks 'At the same time I would be glad if there were two less of Davis and three less of Ferguson to be replaced by a specimen of Katherine Tynan, Ellen O'Leary, Dora Sigerson...' (6 March 1896, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter encouraging MacDermott to write a memoir of McGee (13 December 1896, 5pp).
  • Includes a letter mentioning three books that he would have liked to write but never got around to. Remarks that he would '...willingly transfer to you (MacDermott) and to scarcely any other person living.' (2 July 1897, 3pp).
  • Includes pages of verse (n.d., 5pp).

Article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China

A file relating to an article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China. Includes the MS of the article (92pp) and censor's reports on the article - relates to Fr Kennesy's voyage to Hong Kong,and travelogue about Rotterdam, Germany, Colombo and Manila.

Kennedy, Gerald Leo, 1889-1949, Jesuit priest and medical doctor