
139 Collection results for France

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Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dr Gearóid MacNiocaill concerning their mutual academic interests

  • IE IJA J/10/154
  • File
  • 12 February 1954 - 11 June 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dr. Gearóid MacNiocaill concerning their mutual academic interests. Includes: - references to MacNiocaill’s proposed thesis on the history of the Cistercians in Ireland;

  • the reproduction of documents of the Citeaux Abbey preserved in Dijon;
  • Abbot Stephen of Lexington and copy of a note by MacNiocaill on the placename ‘Aranea’ (the site of a Cistercian Abbey in County Down) to be published in the 'Bulletin of the Ulster Place-Name Society' (1955, 3pp) and
  • list of dates attributed to Irish Cistercian houses (11 June 1957, 2 items).

Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ

  • IE IJA J/473/5
  • File
  • 26 April 1810 - 8 December 1869
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters written by various people to Fr Robert Haly SJ:

  • Includes a letter from Fr Murphy SJ referring to the polka. Remarks '…I do not consider it, absolutely speaking, a proximate occasion of sin, as I have the assurance of some reliable young persons of both sexes that they never found any harm in it (nd, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Drinan SJ, Sant' Andrea, Rome describing his life as a novice in the Society of Jesus. Describes his fellow novices (21 March 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Hardwicke Street, Dublin referring to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Remarks that he has returned from the Isle of Man. Continues '…(he has) done much good amongst those poor neglected Catholics. But now they are without a priest and of course will fall back again into the old way.' (28 August 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Francis Mahony (Prout) concerning his ordination to Deaconship ([ ] 1828, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr St Leger SJ. Refers to the woods at Clongowes. Remarks that new trees have been planted and hundreds of old trees have been cut down. Refers to Daniel O'Connell 'Mr O'Connell hopes to enter Parliament by a clause in the Act of Union which only requires the oath of abjuration, which was abolished…C. Butler of London has published his opinion that Mr O'Connell's admittance to Parliament cannot be refused according to law…' Includes a note from Fr Peter Kenney SJ at the end of the letter concerning the death of Fr Haly's uncle, Robert in Calcutta on 27 July 1826 (30 September, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from [ ], Clongowes Wood College concerning Christmas celebrations in Clongowes. Refers to the church services and remarks that the Parisian Cope made its first appearance and 'dazzled the natives'. Remarks that the number of scholars in the college is small and many vacancies exist. Refers to Fr Aylmer and Fr St Leger and their plans to erect a new chapel in Dublin. Refers to Fr Moran's departure for Buenos Ayres. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell's determination to go to Parliament (5 January 1829, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from George Oliver, St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter containing queries about members of the Society in Ireland for a publication he is preparing (17 July 1838, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning his stay in Rome. Describes dining with Fr General on St Stanislaus Day (23 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Sheehan SJ, Roman College concerning news from Rome and general Society matters. Reports that Fr General is pleased with all the Provinces under his direction and has expressed a wish to open a Japanese Mission (30 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Al Gesu, Rome enclosing a sketch of his design for the altar at St Francis Xavier's Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin (9 February 1842, 3pp).
  • Includes a transcription of the same letter, 9 February 1842, by Fr Francis Finegan SJ [1975].
  • Includes a letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde, SJ, San Calcedonio, Malta concerning the suspension of Fr Rillo by the Bishop. Remarks that the business has become public due to the intervention of Lord Clifford (25 July 1842, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Cunningham SJ, Rome. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell. Refers to Fr Rillo and remarks that he is no longer in Malta. Remarks '…after his justification had been fully established he removed to Palermo. Mr Esmonde is authorised to select whom he pleases to succeed the former.' (25 November 1843, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Esmonde concerning his missionary work in Malta. Remarks 'I have a curious time of it here, strange folks as if all the odd fish of the Mediterranean had climbed up on this rock.' Refers to a new church opened by the Protestants on the island. Refers to the power of the government a governor of the island who control everything (15 November 1844, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Lynch, SJ, Church of St Joseph, Willings Alley, Philadelphia, PA describing his surroundings (1 February 1840, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Gaffney concerning the Archbishop's (Dr Cullen) decision to prohibit the dancing of the polka. Discusses the implications of this decision and expresses the opinion that the Society should not pursue a different course of action to the clergy of Dublin and rural areas (20 January 1858, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bishop George Browne of Elphin concerning a retreat to be conducted by Fr Robert Haly SJ. Refers to the parishioners eagerness for a mission (19 April 1858, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from the Bishop of Clonfert, John Derry agreeing to consecrate the Society's church in Galway (11 May 186[ ]), 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ granting Fr Haly privileges with regard to his mission work (26 September 1867, 3pp).
    Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ advising Fr Haly on how to deal with confessors who declare they are members of the Fenians (8 December 1869, 4p

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial John MacMahon SJ from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain attached to the 2nd Battalion, The Loyal Regiment in Sussex and Northern Ireland; 32 Casualty Clearing Station in England and France; 4 Army Group Royal Artillery, B.L.A. in France and Germany; 150th Infantry Brigade in Southern India and the Indian Artillery Centre, Kamaredi. Includes description of his role in the D-Day landings on 6 June 1944 (16 November 1944, 4pp) and his last letter written on his way home (29 September 1946, 2pp).

Birmingham, Alan, 1911-1991, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain to the 4th Reserve Battery, R.G.A., Winchester and Sialkot C.F.A. 4th Cavalry Division, Supply Column, B.E.F., France. Also includes items relating to the ill health (The Prince of Wales', Hospital for Officers), renewal of Fr McCann’s contract as chaplain and his demobilisation. (See also CHP1/10/1 which is a letter from Fr McCann to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ 12 June [1917]).

McCann, James, 1875-1951, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leo Donnelly SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leo Donnelly SJ written while serving as chaplain in Great Yarmouth and Stalham, Norfolk with the 11th York and Lancasters; in 35th Casualty Clearing Station; 73rd General Hospital, Hatfield; with 5th Kings Regiment in Scotland; 10th Beach Group in France; 9 [Lines of Communications] Unit in France and 2nd Battalion of the Irish Guards.

Donnelly, Leo, 1903-1999, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael O'Meara SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael O'Meara SJ written during his time as a chaplain in Squire’s Gate Camp, Lytham St Annes, Blackpool; Abbots Lea, Woolton, Liverpool; Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire; Park Lea, Park Lane, Salford; Upper Chine School, Shanklin, Isle of Wight; with the 44th Light Anti-Aircraft Brigade, B.L.A. in France and Holland; 8th Infantry Brigade, B.A.O.R. in Egypt and I.S. Lan. R., M.E.F. in Egypt.

O'Meara, Michael F, 1909-1998, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuits seeking help relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuit Fathers and Provincials seeking help in various matters relating to post-war travelling arrangements and material aid. Includes letters from Jesuits from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary seeking opportunities to study in Ireland and correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial and the Department of External Affairs concerning the visit of a German scholastic to Ireland to complete his studies.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the No. 2 Cavalry Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France. Includes letter of complaint to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ (12 April 1917, 6pp) re Fr Page and Fr Page’s replies (22 – 30 April 1917, 3 items).

Page, Bernard F, 1877-1948, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Francis M Shaw SJ while serving as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Francis M Shaw SJ written while serving as chaplain in France, India and Mesopotamia (3rd General Hospital, B.E.F., France; No. 37 and No. 17 Casualty Clearing Station, B.E.F., France; 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment, B.E.F., France; 11th Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France; No. 16 Casualty Clearing Station, Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force).

Shaw, Frank M, 1881-1924, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Mission Office material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ

  • IE IJA J/229/4
  • File
  • 3 February 1951 - 29 August 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission office material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ. Includes personal record; passport; passport photographs; photographs; mortuary card; documents concerning the estate of Fr Lawler; and correspondence between Fr Lawler and Frs Thomas J Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Dublin.

Photographs and postcards by the Imperial War Museum, London, England

Photographs and postcards sent to Prof. Alfred O’Rahilly by the Imperial War Museum, London, England, for use in his book on Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Includes a note ‘Don’t mix these with the others. Return these to me. These are photos which I bought but decided not to use.’ All photographs are dated and described on back. Photos are mostly of the ruins of Ypres, Guillemont, Loos etc. Sizes: 21 1/2cm x 16 1/2cm; 14cm x 9cm and 27 1/2cm x 9cm.

O'Rahilly, Alfred, 1884-1969, former Jesuit scholastic, President of University College Cork, Spiritan priest

Postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ

  • IE IJA J/404/9
  • File
  • 29 September 1941-11 August 1952; 1955; 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ (29 September 1941-11 August 1952) in which pleasantries are given and items of news, ‘I expect you heard that Michael Healy died last Mon. I feel very sad for myself but he could not have recovered to work’ (29 September 1941). Evie Hone writes from Kilkenny, Paris and Rathfarnham, Dublin. This material was found in the room of Fr Daniel Shields SJ after his death. Includes a newspaper cutting with an image of Evie Hone and her last stained-glass window, an obituary and a colour sketch of Mary and Child, by Evie Hone.

In 'Studies: An Irish quarterly review', Vol. XLVI, pp. 377-378, Autumn, 1957, Fr Daniel Shields SJ reviews ‘A tribute to Evie Hone and Mainie Jellett’.

Hone, Evie, 1894-1955, Irish painter and stained glass artist

Postcards and photographs of ‘views in France and Belgium’

Postcards and photographs of ‘views in France and Belgium’. Includes photographs of Kemmel Chateau and the Convent at Locre, Belgium and General Hickie and aide-de-camp Captain O’Connell at St Omer, 16 July 1917; carte postale of Sr Antonius, Locre, Belgium, with inscription by Fr Charles Doyle SJ on reverse, indicating the room of Fr Doyle and church of Noeux les Mines, France.

Receipts from businesses in Galway to St Ignatius College and Church

File of receipts from businesses in Galway to St Ignatius College and Church. Receipts from 1875 include: Midland Great Western Railway; Mercantile and General Printing Office; Galway Town Commissioners; E. O'Malley, China, Delph & Glass warehouse, Galway; Burns, Oates & Co., Office of the Irish Ecclesiastical Record; Martin, Hill & Co. File of receipts from 1964 include: BBC Publication;, Browne and Nolan Limited; Patrick J. Sheahan; Consulting Architect & Civil Engineer; John Carr & Sons Ltd; The Chappell Piano Co. Ltd; The Educational Company of Ireland, Limited; Gunning & Son Ltd, Ecclesiastical Art Metal Manufacturers; Tony O'Sullivan, Pork Butcher and Sausage Manufacturer; O'Gorman Limited.

Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books

Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books Latin-Irish Patrician Documents from the Book of Armagh and the Codex Bruxellensis. The review is written in French.

Sermon, retreat notes, considerations (Catholic University, 1862), Triduum and retreats

File of handwritten sermon, retreat notes, considerations (Catholic University, 1862), Triduum and retreats. Includes long retreats at Cork (1860), Tullabeg (1861 - 1862; 1868 - 1871); Laval (1872 - 1875); Tronchiennes (1875 - 1877); Clongowes Wood College (1877) and meditations, attributed to the following Jesuits: Frs. Peter Kenney (Palmero), Aloysius Sturzo, Daniel Jones, Patrick Hughes, Charles Aylmer, John St. Leger, Robert St. Leger. Michael Kelly, Charles Plowden, John Cunningham, James Mullen, Alexander Kyan (with history of Kyan family), John Shine, Bartholomew Esmonde, Thomas Betagh, Patrick Bracken, P. O'Reilly, Stephen Farrell, Charles McKenna, Edmund O'Reilly, Pubrick.

Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum

R.P. Pauli Laymann L' Societate Iesu theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque libros partitum : nunc demum post nuperam impressionem Moguntinam accuratiùs recognitum, mednis omnibus, quibus undique scatebat repurgatum, plurimisque hinc inde notabilibus auctum, ac ad mentem auctoris redactum.

Publisher: Duaci : Typis Ioannis Serrurier, sub signo Salamandrae, 1640.

Laymann, Paul, 1574-c.1635, Jesuit priest

Translation of extracts from notes taken of the Father General's address to the pilgrims of the ‘Jeunesse catholique française’ in Rome

‘Extract from an address of the Very Rev. Fr. General.’ Translation of extracts from notes taken of the Father General's address to the pilgrims of the ‘Jeunesse catholique française’ in Rome. Refers to the difficult situation in France, and to the responsibilities of the youth of France in the face of religious persecution. Also speaks of the importance of the Colleges in defending against error.

Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ

  • IE IJA J/297/7
  • Item
  • 1945-1949; 1950; 1970; 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ of periods in his life - Chaplain in the R.A.F. (1945-1949), journey to Northern Rhodesia and first impressions (1950), trip to Lourdes, France (July 1970) and Rome, Italy (1975).

Results 101 to 139 of 139