- IE IJA BKS/598
- Item
- 1944
Lord, Daniel A, 1888-1955, Jesuit priest and writer
31 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Lord, Daniel A, 1888-1955, Jesuit priest and writer
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum Por Rafael Figuerò ..., En Barcelona, 1717
Bravo, Bartolomé, 1554-1607, Jesuit priest
Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
R.P. Pauli Laymann L' Societate Iesu theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque libros partitum : nunc demum post nuperam impressionem Moguntinam accuratiùs recognitum, mednis omnibus, quibus undique scatebat repurgatum, plurimisque hinc inde notabilibus auctum, ac ad mentem auctoris redactum.
Publisher: Duaci : Typis Ioannis Serrurier, sub signo Salamandrae, 1640.
Laymann, Paul, 1574-c.1635, Jesuit priest
Theologia Tripartita Universa, Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Posthuma)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti. Tomus primus
Contiene, segun consta en port.: Tomus primus : Controversiae heterodoxae ac scolasticae ..., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; Tomus secundus. Pars I. : Theologia speculativa brevi methodo integre comprehensa ..., con port. pag. y sign. propias. ; Tomi II. Pars II. : Theologia practica universa ... ; Tomus tertius : Apparatus practicus pro omni prorsus functione viri ecclesiastici ..., con port., pag. y sig. propias
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens Perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima Jussu Sac. Congregationis)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)
Tomus Secundus: Resolutiones Polemicae, Speculativae, Practicae, Controversiarum, et Quaestionum, etiam recentissimarum, quae in Schola, et Praxi per omnia usum praecipuum habent. Missionariis, et aliis animarum Curatoribus, et Theol. studiosis solerter accomodatae. Cum novo Apparatu Ad quamlibet Doctrinam Sacram in Concione, et Catechesi, Et ad quaelibet Sacerdotis erga Proximum Ministieria copiose ac erudite tractanda.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae Complectens Materiam, & Formam pro quavis Dictione, & Catechesi facile ac copiose paranda, & proponenda. Cum Praxi solida & expedita Assistendi per omnia Aegris, ac Sanis in quolibet statu, & quovis Sacerdotis Ministerio publico, aut privato. Pro Missionariis, & Curatoribus animarum potissimum elaborata
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)
Tomus Secundus: Theologia Universa primo Speculativa postea Practica, Nova, Brevi, et facili Methodo comprehensa, Et ad Normam totius Cursus Theologici commodissime redacta, juxta Praef. sequentem. Cum recentibus Decretis, modernis Quaestionibus, multiplici Praxi, et Idea aliarum Scientiarum in omni genere Materiae.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae, Complectens Materiam et Formam expeditam, pro quavis Dictione, Concione, & tota Catechesi per exquisitam Expositionem, & selectissima Exempla: Cum Praxi solida assistendi per omnia aegris, & sanis: Ac Documentis particularibus pro quolibet hominum statu: Pro ipsius Sacerdotis Vita & Conservatione: Pro Ritibus singulorum Sacramentorum: Et pro quacunque functione Missionarii Apostolici, ac Curatoris animarum
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theatrical suppliers for the Crescent
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Flyers and leaflets for stage make-up, wigs and theatrical scripts from P.J. Bourke of 64 Dame Street, Dublin. Also includes leaflet on theatre-related books from Rockliff Publishing Corporation Ltd., London.
The young wife by Dr M. Kreuser
The way of the cross by Donal Neary SJ and Frances Biggs
O'Dwyer, Edward Thomas, 1842-1917, Roman Catholic Bishop of Limerick
Article by Henry Somerville. Reprint from 'Studies', Vol. II., No.8
The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Brown, Ignatius, 1630-1679, Jesuit priest
The Treasury of the Sacred Heart
The story of Nano Nagle: a life lived on the razor's edge
The story of Nano Nagle: a life lived on the razor's edge.
Anne Lyons
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Book from the Cruise Library (Cruise Collect B.2.), St Francis Xavier Community, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin entitled 'The Soliloquy of the Soul', published by James Duffy, 23 Anglesea Street, Dublin. Inserted page explains that Sir Francis Cruise loaned this book to Sister Francis, Harold's Cross, Dublin (6 January 1886).
Nash, Robert, 1902-1989, Jesuit priest and writer
The Sacred Passion of Our Lord
The Sacred Passion of Our Lord
Mahony, Jerome JJ, 1889-1956, Jesuit priest
'The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism' and 'The Realism of Holy Week in 1916' by Fr Joseph Darlington SJ.
Darlington, Joseph, 1850-1939, Jesuit priest
The restructuring of the Irish Trade Union Movement 1987-1993
PhD by Brendan Mac Partlin entitled 'The restructuring of the Irish Trade Union Movement 1987-1993', from the School of Business and Administrative Studies , Trinity College Dublin.
Mac Partlin, Brendan, Jesuit priest
The Religious Orders and Congregations in Ireland
The Religious Orders and Congregations in Ireland
The purchase of Baymount, Dublin
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Correspondence relating to the purchase of Baymount, later known as Manresa House, by the Jesuit Fathers. Includes letters from James O'Connor, solicitor, to Fr John Coyne SJ, relating to the erection of a new boundary wall and the maintenance of a drain on Sea Road (Clontarf Road).
O'Connor, James, solicitor
'The Protestant Church of Ireland and its Claim to Episcopal Succession' by Br Denis Fennell SJ
'The Protestant Church of Ireland and its Claim to Episcopal Succession' by Br Denis Fennell SJ .
Fennell, Denis Peter, 1872-1959, Jesuit brother
The Promises of the Sacred Heart
The Promises of the Sacred Heart: commentary and meditations.
McDonnell, Joseph, 1858-1928, Jesuit priest
Hurley, Thomas, 1890-1976, Jesuit priest
'The Pope’s Call to Action' and 'Lay Catholics in the World of Today' by Fr Henry Gill SJ
'The Pope’s Call to Action' and 'Lay Catholics in the World of Today' by Fr Henry Gill SJ.
Gill, Henry V, 1872-1945, Jesuit priest, scientist and chaplain
The polititians cathechisme: for his instruction in divine faith, and morall honesty
The polititians cathechisme: for his instruction in divine faith, and morall honesty
Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest
The Philosophical Catechism, or, a collection of observations fit to defend the Christian religion against its enemies, by F. X. de Feller, translated from French by J. P. Mulcaile S.J.
De Feller, François-Xavier, 1735–1802, Belgian Jesuit priest
The Peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ, Part 1
Coyne, Edward Joseph, 1896-1958, Jesuit priest
by Rev. F. Ripley.
Gannon, Patrick Joseph, 1879-1953, Jesuit priest
The Passion 2: Thoughts for Lent
Mahony, Jerome JJ, 1889-1956, Jesuit priest
The opening of Canisius Preparatory School, Beechwood, Ranelagh
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
A file concerning the opening of Canisius Preparatory School, Beechwood, Ranelagh. Includes a letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ discussing the different names for the school and the location. Remarks that he is arranging to see the house at Sandford owned by the Bewley family.
O'Conor, Charles D, 1906-1981, Jesuit priest
The one true church: which is it?
The one true church: which is it?
Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian
'The Nun at her Prie-Dieu' by Fr Robert Nash SJ
'The Nun at her Prie-Dieu' by Fr Robert Nash SJ.
Nash, Robert, 1902-1989, Jesuit priest and writer
'The New Testament and Divorce, Review' by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ
'The New Testament and Divorce, Review' by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ.
Gannon, Patrick Joseph, 1879-1953, Jesuit priest
The "Messenger" Question Box No.2
The "Messenger" Question Box No.2 - Holy Communion
Redmond, Stephen Brian, 1919-2017, Jesuit priest
The Mass in the Irish Church
Ryan, John, 1894-1973, Jesuit priest
The Mass: A brief explanation of the Ceremonies, Prayers, Vestments and other accessories
Being a pastoral letter of His Eminence Señor D. Isidro Roma Tomas, D.D. With a foreword by Rev. Richard Devane SJ. Published for the Irish Christian Front.
by E. Leahy.
The Letters of Saint 1625-1681
The Letters of Saint 1625-1681
Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland
Edited by Monsignor John Hanly of the Irish College in Rome
Dublin: The Dolmen Press
North America: Humanisties Press Inc.
St. Ignatius College S.J
Hanly, John J., -2016, priest and historian
The Late Earl Ypres in Ireland for the Dublin Horse Show at Viceregal House Party
Part of Irish Jesuits
The Late Earl Ypres in Ireland for the Dublin Horse Show at Viceregal House Party. By Lafayette Outdoor department. Caption on reverse gives names.
Lafayette, photographer
The Lady Falkland: her life ; from a ms. in the Imperial Archives at Lille. Also, A memoir of Father Francis Slingsby: from mss. in the Royal Library, Brussels.
Richard Simpson
Catholic Pub. & Bookselling Co., London, 1861
Dublin, J Mullany, 1 Parliament Street.
'The King, the Irish Free State and the British Commonwealth of Nations' by Fr Richard Devane SJ
'The King, the Irish Free State and the British Commonwealth of Nations' by Fr Richard Devane SJ.
Devane, Richard Stanislaus, 1876-1951, Jesuit priest
The Jesuits on Leeson Street 1910-2010
The Jesuits on Leeson Street 1910-2010.
Messenger Publications, 2010.
The Jesuits in Ireland
Concannon, Helena, 1878-1952, historian and politician
The Jesuits in Dublin (1660-1760)
Extract from 'Reportorium Novum' entitled 'The Jesuits in Dublin (1660 - 1760)' by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.43-100.
Finegan, Francis J, 1909-2011, Jesuit priest
The Jesuits in Dublin 1598-1998
The Jesuits in Dublin 1598-1998. Wolfhound Press, Dublin, Ireland, 1999
O'Donnell, Edward E, Jesuit priest
'The Jesuits in Dublin; or Brief Biographical Sketches of those Deceased Members of the Society of Jesus, who were Born or who Laboured in the Irish Metropolis; with an Account of the Parish of St Michan, their Ancient Residence' by William J Battersby (Printer: John Fowler, 3 Crow Street, Dame Street, Dublin, 1854).
Battersby, William Joseph, 1794/5-1873, catholic bookseller and writer
The Jesuits: A lecture delivered at the music hall by Patrick Joseph Murray.
The Jesuits
Grogan, Brian, Jesuit priest
The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626
Part of Jesuits in Ireland pre-1773
M.A. thesis by James J Corboy SJ, entitled 'The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626' at the faculty of Modern History, UCD (2 copies, 248pp each) (1941) with separate bibliography and index (34pp). Also includes letter from Dr R Dudley Edwards, UCD and Fr Jerome Mahony SJ concerning ‘Lord Justice Loftus’ and ‘Carew’ (5pp) (21 June 1954), and letter from Fr Jerome Mahony SJ to Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ that he has completed Menelogy up to 1800 (13 February 1956).
Corboy, James, 1916-2004, Jesuit priest and Roman Catholic Bishop of Monze
The Irish Roman Catholic University and the Jesuits
The Irish Roman Catholic University and the Jesuits.
Hodder and Stoughton
McCarthy, Michael John Fitzgerald, 1862-1928, political writer
The Irish Nennius from L. Na Huidre and homilies and legends from L. Brecc
Royal Irish Academy, Todd Lecture Series Vol. VI. The Irish Nennius from L. Na Huidre and homilies and legends from L. Brecc. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1895. With annotations by Hogan.
Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
Copies of 'The Irish Monthly':
June 1935;
For God and Spain, October 1936;
February 1938;
The Irish Messenger of the Sacred Heart
Bound volume of twelves issues of 'The Irish Messenger of the Sacred Heart', Volume XI, 1898
Irish Messenger Office, 1888-
Irish Jesuits 1560 - 1814 Vol.2.
Stephenson, James B, 1906-1979, Jesuit priest
The Irish Jesuits Vol.1: being a collection of articles on the history of the Irish Province, culled from various sources, mainly for the Jesuit Year Book.
The Irish Jesuits
'The Irish Constitution' by Fr Edward Cahill SJ
'The Irish Constitution' by Fr Edward Cahill SJ.
Cahill, Edward, 1868-1941, Jesuit priest
The Ireland of Edward Cahill SJ, 1868-1941: a secular or a Christian state?
The Ireland of Edward Cahill SJ, 1868-1941: a secular or a Christian state?
Morrissey, Thomas J, Jesuit priest, educationalist and historian
The inspiration of the bible
Power, Albert, 1870-1948, Jesuit priest
By the Rev. Ignatius Stubble O.S.B., translated by Isabel Graham.
By Olive Mary Scanlan.
'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
Part of Irish Jesuits
'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.' by W.H. Simcox M.A. (ed.) (London: Rivingtons). With typed note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947): ‘Marginal notes in Hopkins’s hand on pp. [1], 6 – 7, 19, 41, 49, 59, 88, 94, 96, 118, 125, 133, 135, 140, 161, [220]. These are significant mainly as examples of his textual conjectures.’ With a University College, St. Stephen’s Green stamp on first page.
A talk to Young Pioneers.
Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain
The harvest of the Holy Mass by Most Rev. Dr. Hedley.
Lord, Daniel A, 1888-1955, Jesuit priest and writer
The First Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus
'The First Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus' serialised in the Irish Ecclesiastical Record.
Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
The estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation
A file relating to the estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation between Raphael Ambrose Biale, Plaintiff and Frs Timothy Kenny, Alfred Murphy and Christina Hodgens, Alice Chamberlain, Anne Healy, Mary Lentaigne, Emily O'Brien, Mary Anne Cleary and Jane Denehey.
The establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School
A file relating to the establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School. Includes letters to Irish Fr Provincials James Tuite, Thomas Browne and Timothy Kenny concerning the matter.
The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England
French, Nicolas, c1604-1678, Bishop of Ferns
The dilemma of John Haughton Steele
The dilemma of John Haughton Steele.
Darlington, Joseph, 1850-1939, Jesuit priest
The Devotion of the Nine First Fridays
The Devotion of the Nine First Fridays. Meditations and prayers.
McDonnell, Joseph, 1858-1928, Jesuit priest
Stephenson, William T, 1882-1980, Jesuit priest
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598. With amendments by Fr Hogan.
Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
'The Day Before Yesterday - Father Browne's Dublin
Part of Irish Jesuits
Invitation and booklet on an exhibition entitled, 'The Day Before Yesterday - Father Browne's Dublin, 1922-1949', curated by Peter Walsh, at the Guinness Hop Store, Dublin. Includes catalogue to 174 photographs exhibited. 'The Day Before Yesterday' became a six-part series which traced the origins of the Irish state through the photographs of Fr Browne. It was made by Promedia for RTÉ Television. The first episode was broadcast on 6 April 1994.
Guinness, 1759-
'The Date of the B-text of Piers Plowman' by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
'The Date of the B-text of Piers Plowman' by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ.
Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic
The cruel clouds of war: A book of the sixty-eight former pupils and teachers of Belvedere College,S.J. who lost their lives in the military conflicts of the 20th century.
Murphy, Oliver
The Complete Grammar of Anarchy. By members of the war cabinet and their friends
The Complete Grammar of Anarchy. By members of the war cabinet and their friends.
Maunsel and Company, Dublin, 1918
Horgan, John Joseph, 1881-1967, solicitor, author, and election agent
Corcoran, Timothy, 1872-1943, Jesuit priest
Lord, Daniel A, 1888-1955, Jesuit priest and writer
'The Church and secular education'
Part of Irish Jesuits
Pamphlet 'The Church and secular education' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.
Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian
'The Church and her marriage laws'
Part of Irish Jesuits
Pamphlet ''The Church and her marriage laws'' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.
Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian
'The Church and Anti-Clericalism'
Part of Irish Jesuits
Pamphlet entitled 'The Church and Anti-Clericalism' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Social Action Series No. 16, Dublin. Two editions: 1st edition (n.d., 16pp) and 2nd edition (1919, 16pp).
Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian
Complied by Rose Lynch.
The characteristics of Jesuit education: a charter for Irish Jesuit Colleges
The characteristics of Jesuit education: a charter for Irish Jesuit Colleges
Grogan, Brian, Jesuit priest
'The Chances of War An Irish Tale', a book by Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
'The Chances of War. An Irish Tale', a book by Fr Thomas Finlay SJ under the pseudonym ‘A. Whitelock’ (M.H. Gill & Son, Dublin).
Finlay, Thomas A, 1848-1940, Jesuit priest and economist
The Catholic University of Ireland
The Catholic University of Ireland. Reprinted from the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record', 1928, in four parts: pp225-245, 351-371, 482-490 and 589-605. Bound.
McKenna, Lambert, 1870-1956, Jesuit priest, Irish language scholar and Catholic social thinker
'The Catholic University Gazette'
Part of Catholic University of Ireland and University College, Dublin
Bound volume of Catholic University Gazettes, nos. 1 - 55.
Catholic University of Ireland, 1854-1911
'The Blessed Sacrament' by Mr Robert Nash SJ
'The Blessed Sacrament' by Mr Robert Nash SJ.
Nash, Robert, 1902-1989, Jesuit priest and writer
The birds of Ireland month by month
Kennedy, Patrick G, 1881-1967, Jesuit priest and ornithologist