Crescent College Comprehensive SJ, 1974-



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Crescent College Comprehensive SJ, 1974-

Crescent College Comprehensive SJ, 1974-

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Crescent College Comprehensive SJ, 1974-

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Crescent College Comprehensive SJ, 1974-

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Notes regarding the three Tontine buildings, Limerick

Handwritten notes, and one typewritten, regarding the three Tontine buildings (nos. 12, 13 & 14 Richmond Place). Includes information re. the establishment and running of the Tontine Society; descriptions of various deeds executed in relation to the property; information on how the Jesuits came into possession of the buildings. Refers to those connected with the property, including the Earl of Limerick, members of the Maunsell family, the Marquise de Fontanelle.