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3 Collection results for Chaplains

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Letters in response to Irish Fr Provincial following his letter seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains

Letters in response to Irish Fr Provincial following his letter (10 July) seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains in the forces. Includes;
– Copy of Irish Fr Provincial’s letter (10 July 1941, 1p.);
– Responses from; Frs Gerard Guinane SJ (See CHP2/17), Joseph Kelly SJ, Conal Murphy SJ (CHP2/30), Sydney Lennon SJ (See CHP2/25), Robert Stephenson SJ, Henry Croasdaile SJ, William Prendergast SJ, Fergus Cronin SJ (See CHP2/14), Frank O'Riordan SJ and Richard O'Mahony SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Jesuits in response to call to serve as chaplains

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from various Jesuits in response to Fr Provincial’s letter (16 April 1941, 1p.) seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains: ‘Mgr. Coghlan (an Irishman from the diocese of Meath) who is in charge of the military chaplains has called upon me and informed me that the need of chaplains is acute and urgent, in some areas Catholic soldiers have no priests to look after them’. Includes responses from: John Hayes SJ (See CHP2/18); John Burden SJ (See CHP2/13); Thomas O'Donnell SJ; Cyril Perrott SJ (See CHP2/35); Conal Murphy SJ (See CHP2/30); Thomas P. Kelly SJ; Brendan Lawler SJ; John McCarron SJ; Brian MacMahon SJ; Daniel Shields SJ (See CHP2/37); Maurice Dowling SJ (See CHP2/16); Frank O'Riordan SJ and Joseph Garland SJ.