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3 Collection results for Bristol

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters, including financial

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning financial matters and;
– a complaint about an individual Jesuit with regard to his behaviour while conducting a retreat for nuns (See also ADMN/3/36);
– a draft deed of trust for the Father Delany Exhibition (See also ADMN/3/13);
– the health and financial affairs of various scholastics;
– the proposal for the establishment of a [school] at Tullabeg by the Society of Pious Missions;
– a conference of Jesuit Fathers in Chicago for the purpose of adopting a Provisional Constitution of the ‘Frequent Communion Guild’;
– requests for money from various individuals;
– the campaign to appoint a Catholic Director to the Board of Directors of the Clogher Valley Railway (the Society are shareholders in the Railway);
– the appointment of Jesuits to various offices;
– a petition to the British government ‘to show mercy to Roger Casement’;
– a proposed portrait of Archbishop Walsh by Sir John Lavery;
– a profit and loss account of the Irish Monthly for year ending 31 August 1914 (See also ADMN/3/20; 66; 67);
– the work of St. Joseph's Young Priests (See also ADMN/3/53);
– lists of locations of Retreats and names of priests giving Retreats for 1912 and 1913 (See also ADMN/3/36; 41);
– suggestions for Retreats given by Jesuits, by Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (1896-1926) and memorandum on the scheme to establish a small lending library in Milltown Park for priests (See also ADMN/3/12; 38).

Letters regarding admissions to the Society of Jesus

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from possible candidates and various parish priests seeking information on and interviews to discuss, the possibility of entrance into the Society of Jesus. Also includes applications to join the Society; letters from those who have been accepted and letters concerning financial support from novices’ families.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Sydney Lennon SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Sydney Lennon SJ written while serving as a chaplain attached to 4th King’s Own Scottish Borders at Ford, Midlothian and Alloa, Clackmannonshir in Anti-Aircraft Unit; in various locations around Scotland; in Nottingham and on the hospital ship Dorsetshire. Includes his first letter written to Irish Fr Provincial from Scotland (5 September 1941, 4pp).

Lennon, Sydney C, 1906-1979, Jesuit priest and chaplain