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9 Collection results for Belfield

Will of Charles Kennedy

File containing extensive documentation concerning the will of Charles Kennedy and his bequest to the Society of Jesus. The Society used the proceeds from this bequest to construct University Hall, Hatch Street. The extent of the file can be explained by the numerous properties owned by Charles Kennedy and the necessary documentation that inevitably accompanies ownership of property, receipts and vouchers from professional companies involved in the construction of University Hall and the fact that the will of Charles Kennedy was contested by his brother Frank Kennedy. His legal action was unsuccessful (29 January 1909 & 30 January 1909 & 30 May 1912, 3 items).

Typescript and handwritten copies of entries relating to Fr Hopkins in University College account books

Typescript and handwritten copies of entries relating to Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ in University College account books made by Fr Peter Troddyn SJ:
– ‘Day Book I 1884 – 5, Aug. 28th ’84 to April 25 ’85’ (Summer 1968, 2 items, 1p. each);
– ‘Account Book 1885 – 91’ (1p.) and
– ‘Large Account Book 1883 – 91’ (1p.).
(See University College collection for original account books)

St Stephen's, the magazine of the Catholic University of Ireland and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine

A file relating to 'St Stephen's', the magazine of the University College, Dublin and the Catholic University School of Medicine, Cecilia Street, Dublin and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine, and insertion of the Catholic University of Ireland. Includes a letter from Joseph Brennan, Honorary Secretary to the Representative Council, Catholic University School of Medicine to Fr William Delany SJ referring to the medallion. Remarks, ‘ was not their (the Representative Council) intention to substitute a medallion of the Catholic University for the existing medallion. Their object simply was to remove the false impression conveyed by the wording of the medallion, that the magazine belonged exclusively or mainly to the students of University College, and was not the joint organ of the students of University College and of the Catholic University School of Medicine.’ (22 March 1906, 2pp). Fr William Delany SJ established St Stephen's, as a magazine for University College, Dublin, and not for the Catholic University of Ireland. Includes list of subscribers to 'St. Stephen's' (March 1906) and accounts (1905-06).

This disagreement seems to precipitate the end of 'St. Stephen's : a record of University life', Vol. II No. 12 (May, 1906).

Account book for University College, Dublin

Account book for University College, Dublin. Details expenditure on newspapers, advertisements, postage, furniture, monthly food bills, wines and whiskey, clothes, books, stationery, wages, rents, taxes, travelling expenses for the community. Includes a reference to Gerard Manley Hopkins under community travelling expenses. (2 April 1883, 3 January 1884, 24 December 1885, pp. 70 -71). Includes an alphabetical index to the accounts.

University College Dublin, 1854-