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2 Collection results for Ballsbridge

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Documents concerning Archbishop McQuaid's objections to the formation of a Sandymount-Ballsbridge group of Muintir na Tíre

Documents concerning Archbishop McQuaid's objections to the formation of a Sandymount-Ballsbridge group of Muintir na Tíre and Fr Edward J Coyne's involvement with the establishment of such a group (See also ADMN/3/29; 37; 39; 57). ‘I am not convinced that this Association has yet proved that it deserves a place in this Diocese, in the country or in the City. Therefore, I have not sanctioned the formation of any group in the Diocese. I should be grateful, if you could give me any help in understanding the Sandymount- Ballsbridge movement.’ (6 November 1941,1p). Includes correspondence between the Archbishop, Irish Fr Provincial and Fr Coyne on the matter. Also includes letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Hayes, C.C.(Chairman) relating to Muintir na Tíre’s ‘Rural Week’ (29 November 1942, 2pp) and printed advertising leaflets and leaflets concerning National Appeals on behalf of Muintir na Tíre (1940s, 4 items).

McQuaid, John Charles, 1895-1973, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letters regarding admissions to the Society of Jesus

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from possible candidates and various parish priests seeking information on and interviews to discuss, the possibility of entrance into the Society of Jesus. Also includes applications to join the Society; letters from those who have been accepted and letters concerning financial support from novices’ families.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin