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1 Collection results for Ballsbridge

Album compiled by Fr Henry Gill SJ containing newspaper clippings, photographs and letters

Album compiled by Fr Henry Gill SJ containing newspaper clippings, photographs and letters. Includes:
– newspaper clipping referring to a meeting of the Royal Dublin Society before which a paper by Fr Gill entitled ‘The Theory of the Stratified Discharge in Geissler Tubes’ was communicated by the Registrar Mr. Moss (n.d., 1p.);
– letter from Prof Charles J. Joly, D.Sc., F.R.S., Dunsink Observatory, Co. Dublin (Honorary Secretary of the R.D.S.) stating ‘Your beautiful illustration of precession and nutation is quite new to me and I think you should certainly send it to 'Nature'. I am keeping the figures as you kindly say I may’ (24 March 1903, 1p.);
– black and white photograph of the hunt at Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare ([1903?], 1p.) and note to Fr Gill from the “Proprietors of ‘The Badminton Magazine’ enclosing a cheque for £1.1s as a prize in their photograph competition (27 April 1903, 1p.);
– clipping from a magazine/newspaper concerning the marriage of his sister, Miss Mary Catherine Gill, only daughter of Mr Henry J. Gill, M.A., J.P., of Roebuck House, Clonskeagh, Dublin with Mr. William Harrington, of Cherryfield, Templeogue on 16 June 19?? . Also includes two photographs of the room with the table laid out for the wedding breakfast (16 June 19??, 4 items);
– newspaper report on a lecture given by Fr Gill before the Royal Dublin Society on ‘a possible connection between the recent disturbances at Vesuvius and San Francisco’ ([June 1906], 1p.);
– clipping from the 'Freeman’s Journal' referring to Fr Gill’s theory ‘according to which earthquakes and such like disturbances at one place may, under certain conditions, give rise to corresponding shocks in other places’ (24 August 1906, 1p.);
– clipping on the opening of a new wing of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge by Lord Rayleigh. Includes reference to Mr H. V. Gill’s experiments with spinning tops to illustrate earthquake reactions (19 June 1908, 2pp);
– extract from 'The Tablet' containing the following reference to Fr Gill in its University Notes, ‘…we must congratulate the Rev. H. V. Gill, of St Edmund House, upon his Research Degree won by a Thesis on ‘A New Glow in Vacuum Tubes.’ Father Gill has exhibited his apparatus before the Royal Society, and was also invited to exhibit it by the Royal Institution.’ (see also J17/29) (26 June 1909, 2pp);
– notice advertising Fr Gill’s ‘Earthquake Top…with handle for spinning, and lead bullets’ for 7s.6d. (n.d., 1p.);
– clipping from the 'Freeman’s Journal' on a lecture on ‘Wireless Telegraphy’ given by Fr. Gill in Belvedere College on 6 May 1912 (7 May 1912, 4pp);
– extract from 'The Tablet' of an article entitled ‘The Cardinal at Cambridge A Representative University Gathering’ containing the following reference to Fr Gill, ‘Sir J.J. Thomson, F.R.S., who responded for science, said that this was not the first time that he had had the pleasure of meeting and working with members of that Society. One of them, Father Gill, worked in his laboratory and did extremely valuable and able work, and developed a great power of dealing with physical problems’ (18 May 1912, 3pp);
– photograph of a physics laboratory (possibly one of the labs at Clongowes Wood College) (n.d., 1 item)
– photographs relating to Fr Gill’s research work (n.d., 5 items).