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3 Collection results for Adelaide

Triennial Documents, 1902 - 1905

Documents for Ireland (37 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);

and for Australia (39 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae).

Title for the property at 'Ellangowan'

Copy of abstract of title of property known as ‘Ellangowan’ situated in the old village of Stepney within the municipality of St Peter’s, Adelaide. A notice concerning the laying of the foundation stone of the school. Refers to the transfer of the estate to Manresa Society Incorporated of Norwood. Document sent by E. M. Heuzenroder to Fr John Ryan SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Australia. Includes leaflet promoting the laying of the foundation stone of the school church of the Holy Name, Ellangown, St. Peter’s.

Irish Jesuit Mission to Australia, 1865-1931